The Watchtower Posted January 30, 2006 Report Posted January 30, 2006 CRUACHAN: New Studio Photos Posted Online Irish folk metal band CRUACHAN entered Sun Studios in Dublin on January 17 to begin recording their fifth album, tentatively due later in the year via Greece's Black Lotus Records. Check out pictures from the recording sessions : CRUACHAN recorded their previous albums "Tuatha Na Gael", "The Middle Kingdom" and "Folklore" at Sun, which "has been hugely upgraded since we were last there," the band write on their web site. Taking care of production duties is Jo Peeters (a.k.a. GAIL OF GOD) from Holland. CRUACHAN's upcoming album will be their first CD for Black Lotus, with whom they inked a deal in June 2005. The band's final release for their previous label, Karmageddon Media, was scheduled to be a reissue of their 1994 "Celtica" demo, featuring unreleased tracks, including "Timmy", which has been performed live at quite a few CRUACHAN shows. CRUACHAN's fourth full-length album, "Pagan", was recorded and mixed at Radio Na Life Studios in Dublin, Ireland with producer Al Cowen and is the follow-up to 2002's "Folk-Lore". The cover artwork for "Pagan" was created by John Howe, the leading JRR Tolkien illustrator and the conceptual artist from the "Lord of the Rings" movies. Quote
Kokopelli Posted January 31, 2006 Report Posted January 31, 2006 Kako se izgovara Cruachan? Čula sam da mnogi kažu /kruahan/... Da, oni imaju najmanje black-a i baš se iznenadih kad ih vidjeh na ovoj temi. Zapravo, oni su kombinacija rock-a i metala, ali sa primjesama nekog tradiconalnoh irskog melosa, mada ima tu i elemenata klasike kao i nekih srednjovjekovnih tonova... black-a? pff... Quote
deadsy Posted January 31, 2006 Report Posted January 31, 2006 pod-forum bi svakako bio dobro rijesenje. Vampiria, ja bih rekao da se to izgovara Kruachan (sa nekim jodlujucim slovom ch ), mada nije iskljuceno ni kruahan. Inace slusao sam od njih Folk-lore album, sasvim ok za ovaj zanr. Prva pjesma Bloody sunday je odlicna, zanimljiva folkish melodija i opasne gitare + vokal one zenske mi se dopada. Nije po ustaljenom 'operskom' shablonu, vec ima neku melanholicnu crtu (osim na zadnjoj pjesmi, gdje ima dijelova kad podsjeca na Cadaveriu iz Opera IX) Quote
Kokopelli Posted February 1, 2006 Report Posted February 1, 2006 deadsy said: pod-forum bi svakako bio dobro rijesenje. Vampiria, ja bih rekao da se to izgovara Kruachan (sa nekim jodlujucim slovom ch ), mada nije iskljuceno ni kruahan. Inace slusao sam od njih Folk-lore album, sasvim ok za ovaj zanr. Prva pjesma Bloody sunday je odlicna, zanimljiva folkish melodija i opasne gitare + vokal one zenske mi se dopada. Nije po ustaljenom 'operskom' shablonu, vec ima neku melanholicnu crtu (osim na zadnjoj pjesmi, gdje ima dijelova kad podsjeca na Cadaveriu iz Opera IX) Hm... Pa i ja sam mislila nešto slično. Svakako mi /h/ nešto ne ide, ali s obzirom da ni ne znam sta Cruachan zapravo znači, mogu samo da nagađam. Pjevačica je meni fenomenalna. Ona je zapravo female folk singer. Quote
deadsy Posted February 1, 2006 Report Posted February 1, 2006 pjevacica je odlicna. nije na foru onih iskompleksiranih 'operskih' vristalica, dopada mi se boja njenog glasa. kakvi su ovi ostali albumi (ja sam slusao samo folk-lore), ovo ostalo mozda po koju pjesmu il sempl. Quote
Kokopelli Posted February 1, 2006 Report Posted February 1, 2006 deadsy said: pjevacica je odlicna. nije na foru onih iskompleksiranih 'operskih' vristalica, dopada mi se boja njenog glasa. kakvi su ovi ostali albumi (ja sam slusao samo folk-lore), ovo ostalo mozda po koju pjesmu il sempl. I ja samo to, pored MKingdom-a. U svakom slučaju, sve mi se dopada, a naročito njen glas. Volim kad se ljudi ne plaše eksperimentisanja. Quote
quiet Posted February 4, 2006 Report Posted February 4, 2006 Ja sam slushao sve njihove albume. Na prvom - Tuatha Na Gael (nemam pojma shta to znachi) ima najvishe black-a, u stvari, taj jedini jeste black album, bez zenskih vokala, sa izuzetnim, dugim pesmama. The Fall Of Gondolin treba da bude proglashena za oficijelnu himnu svih Tolkinovaca. Na mene su sa tog albuma ostavile utisak najvishe druga stvar, i gore spomenuta. Inache taj album je, kao celina, njihov najbolji (na stranu losha produkcija). Kako sam chuo, imali su samo dve nedelje na raspolaganju za njegovo snimanje u studiju, a odradili su ga fenomenalno. Quote
The Watchtower Posted March 1, 2006 Report Posted March 1, 2006 CRUACHAN Complete Work On New Album: Audio Samples Available Irish folk metal band CRUACHAN entered Sun Studios in Dublin on January 17 to begin recording their fifth album, tentatively due later in the year via Greece's Black Lotus Records. Vocalist Keith Fay has issued the following update on the recording sessions: "Yes, we have finished the new album. Jesus Christ, the production on 'Pagan' was shite, wasn't it? Glad to say that this is the best production I have ever been involved with, the sound is top top quality! Many thanks to Gail Liebling [producer] for his endurance. The release date has not been sorted, neither has the title but we will work on this [as soon as possible]. Martin Walkyier [ex-SKYCLAD] was meant to sing on it but had to pull out at the last minute due to personal things at home, I had a chat with him, he feels really bad about it but to be honest he has much more important things to worry about right now. The song he was meant to do is called 'Diarmuid and Grainne'. When I hear it now, I actually think I'm glad he couldn't make it, you'll see why. Maybe we will do something in the future. Next project is the CRUACHAN Scat porn DVD." Click here to listen to a sneak preview MP3 (said to be a "low-quality unmastered sample) of the new album. CRUACHAN's upcoming album will be their first CD for Black Lotus, with whom they inked a deal in June 2005. The band's final release for their previous label, Karmageddon Media, was scheduled to be a reissue of their 1994 "Celtica" demo, featuring unreleased tracks, including "Timmy", which has been performed live at quite a few CRUACHAN shows. Quote
quiet Posted March 1, 2006 Report Posted March 1, 2006 jeee, me happy. bitje irish-a, pitje se crno (po mogutjstvu tocheno), slushatje se cruachan... Quote
Angelystor Posted March 23, 2006 Report Posted March 23, 2006 Irish folk metal band CRUACHAN have set "The Morrigan's Call" as the title of their fifth album, tentatively due later in the year via Greece's Black Lotus Records. The follow-up to 2004's "Pagan" was recorded at Sun Studios in Dublin. "The Morrigan's Call" track listing: 01. Shelob 02. The Brown Bull of Cooley 03. Coffin Ships 04. The Great Hunger 05. The Old Woman in the Woods 06. Ungoliant 07. The Morrigan's Call 08. Teir abhail Ru 09. Wolfe Tone 10. The Very Wild Rover 11. CuChulainn 12. Diarmuid and Grainne Quote
militant Posted March 23, 2006 Report Posted March 23, 2006 Nisu losi naslovi, izgleda obecavajuce. Sve je veci ovaj Tolkien uticaj (kod tekstova) kod njih. Quote
quiet Posted March 23, 2006 Report Posted March 23, 2006 bash zbog toga su mi omiljeni black metal orijentisani band, mada u poslednje vreme nema toliko black-a kao na prvom. neki im to i zameraju, mada ja nemam nishta protiv toga. najbolje bi bilo kada bi novi album bio u fazonu folk-lore-a Quote
sleepless Posted March 29, 2006 Report Posted March 29, 2006 ...nisam slusao sve albume, ali Cruachan je veoma dobar i interesantan bend... ...As the years went by the people began to talk, The hidden crimes were now being told. Innocent protestors - shot in back, Left to die in the winter cold. The bullets used had all been tampered, Maximum injury would come from them. This tyranny will not go un-noticed, Our day will come again... Quote
Angelystor Posted April 1, 2006 Report Posted April 1, 2006 Irish folk metal band CRUACHAN have finished mastering their fifth album, "The Morrigan's Call", tentatively due in June via Greece's Black Lotus Records. The follow-up to 2004's "Pagan" was recorded at Sun Studios in Dublin and will be preceded by the release of a single, "The Very Wild Rover". In addition to the title cut, the single will contain the bonus songs "Bloody Sunday Unplugged", "Timmy" and "Brian Boru". Commented CRUACHAN's Keith Fay (vocals, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, keyboards): "We have had a disaster with the cover of the new album. The cover took my brother John over four months of painstaking work and looked amazing. He had an argument with his girlfriend on Sunday night (26th March) and she unbelievably destroyed all his artwork, including the cover. This might delay the release date although he is planning to take some time off work and complete a brand new cover in under two weeks! Here's hoping he can pull it off and keep it away from his girlfriend!!!" Quote
quiet Posted April 1, 2006 Report Posted April 1, 2006 oooo, bloody sunday uplugged keep it away from his girlfriend pa zbog toga da josh chekamo na izlazak albuma Quote
neiskvarena Posted April 2, 2006 Report Posted April 2, 2006 cruachan je cool bend i mnogo volim da ga slusam i sve da ne davim moj problem je sto ne znam kako se to izgovara....kruahan?tako ili kako god? Quote
quiet Posted April 3, 2006 Report Posted April 3, 2006 pa, sudetji po gornjim postovima, niko sa sigurnoshtju ne mozhe da kazhe kako se ispravno izgovara za mene su kruahan Quote
neiskvarena Posted April 4, 2006 Report Posted April 4, 2006 pa ne citam ja mislila sam da ces me isprozivati sto ne znam:)) al ok ima dobrih ljudi ovde:))nego zoves ih isto ko ja..mpora da je to najispravnije Quote
quiet Posted April 4, 2006 Report Posted April 4, 2006 kako da te prozivam zbog nechega u shta ni sam nisam siguran? budutji da je aktuelan izlazak novog albuma, pocheh da preslushavam stara remek dela. krenuo sam od the middle kingdom, jer mi se nije bash neshto svidjao, mada sada mi je sasvim ok. unstabled najjacha stvar sa albuma, interesantan pochetak, verovatno najmetal stvar sa kingdom-a pohvalio bi i a druids passing koja ima vrlo teshku i mrachnu atmosferu, the middle kingdom. jedino mi nije legla celtica Quote
Grobodan Posted May 19, 2006 Report Posted May 19, 2006 Keith Fay (vocals, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, keyboards) of the Irish folk metal band CRUACHAN has posted the following message on the group's official web site: "I received a phone call from Black Lotus [Records] today (18th May) saying they are ending and all bands are being released. As of now, CRUACHAN are without a label!!!! We have a fantastic new album ready to be released; we just need a good label to get in touch. All artwork is ready so record labels, please email me at" CRUACHAN recently finished mastering their fifth album, entitled "The Morrigan's Call". The follow-up to 2004's "Pagan" was recorded at Sun Studios in Dublin and was scheduled to be preceded by the release of a single, "The Very Wild Rover". In addition to the title cut, the single was supposed to contain the bonus songs "Bloody Sunday Unplugged", "Timmy" and "Brian Boru". "The Morrigan's Call" track listing: 01. Shelob 02. The Brown Bull of Cooley 03. Coffin Ships 04. The Great Hunger 05. The Old Woman in the Woods 06. Ungoliant 07. The Morrigan's Call 08. Teir abhail Ru 09. Wolfe Tone 10. The Very Wild Rover 11. CuChulainn 12. Diarmuid and Grainne Quote
Grobodan Posted May 19, 2006 Report Posted May 19, 2006 Sheloba Nikad dosta Gospodara Prstenaca. Coffin ships...istoimenu pesmu ima i najbolji Irski bend ikad PRIMORDIAL,mozda je obrada The Very Wild Rover...samo cu se Quote
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