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  • 5 months later...

"Evil Star" je odlican,i nije ni cudo sto je u mnogim casopisima po izlasku proglasen albumom mjeseca.Svima koji vole "Black Wings" sigurno ce se dopasti i ovaj album.Za fanove SLAYER-a valja reci da su uradili obradu njihove pjesme "Die By The Sword",i ona dolazi kao bonustrack.Sve u svemu,ovaj bend zasluzuje veliku paznju svakog ko voli pravi heavy Metal.

  • 2 months later...

Pao mi se shaka..tj. hard diska(pozdrav Fantomni pivopije.gif ) "Black Wings". Ljudovi ja nisam iznenadjen, ja sam odushevljen bre icon_rockdevil.gif


Ovako dobar heavy nisam slushao josh od kada sam prvi put slushao "Somewhere In time". Mjuza je freakin fantastic, a lik ima bogovski dobar vokal, odlichno pichi visok vokal a ne smara me..alal mu!


Је л'? Фалим те боже да се неко сетио да обради ту песму. Још да ураде и 'Sea Of Madness' и ја немам више жеља до краја живота.

  • 1 month later...

Ух, па то је бајата вест. За Масакр им је већ изашао албум увелико.

  • 2 months later...

Immortal Vinyl Records has released the third full-length album from Sweden's WOLF, "Evil Star", as a three-sided double LP with a gatefold cover and white/black marbled vinyl. The LP, which includes the bonus track "Déjà Vu", is limited to 500 copies and is available for price 14 euros plus shipping costs. Also available are the test pressing copies in black vinyl and the original cover, limited to five copies only, priced at 30 euros. All questions and orders should be addressed to Immortal Vinyl Records at: immortalvinyl@aol.com. The album is also available from Nuclear Blast mailorder.




  • 9 months later...

Ne vidim da je neko pomenuo da su momci potpisali za Century Media,album se ocekuje na leto.


A ja bash slusam jebozovni Evil Star icon_rockdevil.gif Ne znam jel jos neko primetio,ali pored Maiden uticaja za koje ih svi optuzuju,moze se naci i MFate stila kod Wolfa,a koliko znam,momcima iz benda je Dont break the Oath jedan od top 10 albuma svih vremena.Sta reci - RESPECT! icon_rockdevil.gif

Posted (edited)

Ма, ти што их за то оптужују немају везе с везом.

А нису они џабе обрадили 'A Dangerous Meeting' (као и Twisted Tower Dire) на "Black Wings", као што су узели Томаса Холма (који је ако се не варам радио "Don't Break The Oath") да им уради насловницу!

Edited by RNA

Yo dude,znam da su Wolf obradili,slusao sam i album(i vr' je),nego pitam za Twisted Tower Dire...A i kad ce novi album Wolfa pomenuh...

Ne citas pazljivo postove.Minus za tebe. icon_smile.gificon_wink.gif

  grave said:
Radio je on i omot za Melisu. icon_da.gif


A na kom izdanju je ta TTD obrada Fejta?

Знаш да на твом диску "The Isle Of Hydra" као бонус скривена песма постоји 'Beyond The Gate'? Нисам сигуран које издање су ми момци из бенда били послали, али постоје 2: немачко и енглеско, и на сваком од њих је различита бонус песма. Е, на оном другом од оног које обојица имамо је 'A Dangerous Meeting'. Али, ја случајно имам винилну верзију на којој су обе бонус песме. icon_wink.gif

  grave said:
Brate...kod mene to nema,siguran sam.Uvek slusam disk do kraja i posle dying breath se zavrsi regularno disk. icon_confused.gif Jebem li ga...

Чекај, ја сам ти га резао? Онда мора да после ње иде пауза од неких 2-3 минута, па почиње та бонус песма. Можда си увек гасио диск после 'dying breath' јер си био нестрпљив? icon_confused.gif


Da,ti si ga rezao.Nisam nikad nestrpljiv,mozda je fora u tome sto disk nije bes najbolje srezan,i Ride the Night se prekida malo pre kraja.Sigurno je to.Jebesh ga,nije ni toliko bitno.Ionako planiram da jednom pribavim original Isle of Hydra,pa ce tu valjda da bidne. icon_biggrin.gif

  • 1 month later...

WOLF's New Album Will Be 'A 45-Minute Heavy Metal Feast'


Swedish metallers WOLF will enter Studio Fredman in Gothenburg, Sweden in June with producer Fredrik Nordström to begin recording their fourth album, tentatively due before the end of the year via Century Media Records.


WOLF's former drummer Daniel "Dale" Bergkvist — who apparently remains on good terms with the band — has posted the following report on the group's web site:


"So, I've been hanging around the rehearsal again … This time around the whole album was pretty much done, except for some harmonies and vocal parts. I got to hear five new ones, with Nick's vocals this time. I don't know how many songs will be on the final album but my guess is 9 or 10. The band will save tracks for Japan and special editions. Also, there is the 'old school cassette law' obviously to take into play. As you might know it states that a heavy metal album can't be longer than one side of a 90 minute tape. So expect a 45-minute heavy metal feast.


"The guys started off the set by playing 'Black Magic'. An epic old-school masterpiece in true WOLF spirit. A complex track with lots of different parts, tempos and harmonies. But it never got out of control. It just kept pounding on, harder and more metal by each second. WOLF are just great at that, playing complex but making it sound real straightforward and headbanger-friendly. It was followed by a track called 'The Bite'. I think it's a work-title so don't be surprised if you can't find it on the new album. Anyway, 'The Bite' was also wicked good material. The sound in the rehearsal sucks so I'm not going into detail but it had a really cool disco feel to it, kind of like 1978 JUDAS PRIEST or some old HEART song with an evil vibe. Excellent. The other tracks where still nameless, but they were all metal at its best, and they simply blew me away. I have promised the guys not to tell you anything more right now so that's the end of that."

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