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Rotting Christ

Guest Hellraiser666

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Greek extreme metallers ROTTING CHRIST have set "Aealo" as the title of their new album, due on February 15 in Europe and February 23 in the U.S. via Season Of Mist. The CD was recorded at Lunatach Studios in Katerini, Greece and will feature guest appearances by Greek-American vocalist Diamanda Galas and PRIMORDIAL frontman Alan A. Nemtheanga.


According to a press release, "Aealo" will delve deeper than ever before into ROTTING CHRIST's Greek roots. Frontman Sakis Tolis explains: "'Aealo' is the transcription of an ancient Greek word into the Latin alphabet. It means thrashing, catastrophe or destruction and reflects the musical and lyrical content of the album.


"The concept of 'Aealo' deals with the feelings of a warrior during a battle, therefore the album's title bears this sense of anger, fear and grief."


To je to. Napravio sam vec folder za njega i cekam.

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Inache Terrorizer u svojoj listi top 20 BM album svih vremena na jednom mestu, ne mogu da se setim kojem, stavio je Thy Mighty Contract. Okej je to album, ali npr. Non Serviam ga sije kako oce, i josh sto mislim da Rotting ima nekih kasnijih albuma koji su bolji od Thy Mighty Contract. Sta mislite o tome, dal je TMC najreprezentativniji album ovog benda?

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Hm, pa vidi, tesko je za bilo koji RC album reci da je najreprezentativniji bas zato sto su se oni tokom karijere stilski jako menjali a opet nekako ostali svoji. Sto se mene licno tice, ne bih bas rekao da je TMC najreprezentativniji, ali pretpostavljam da je to stvar ukusa. Ali s obzirom na to da po mom misljenju ovaj bend nije snimio los album a da su svi od "Khronos"-a pa na ovamo remek-dela... ;)

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