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----- - :):pivopije:










30 jun subota,ko organizuje,jel ima nekih informacija, :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil:


Bas sad procitah na manowar.com Kavarna je u pitanju!!!

Edited by Hail Metal
Mora se samo umreti...i ici na posao svaki dan da ne bi dobio otkaz.Ostalo su opcije. :da:

nego sta...

cak je opcija i ici na posao... barem u socijalnoj drzavi


bez obzira na sve u teoriji(u pojedinim zemljama i u praksi) covek ima neosporivo pravo na zivot (i standard)...

stoga je drzava duzna da mu obezbedi materijalnu egzistenciju(to sto se to svodi na golo prezivljavanje)


u nemackoj to funcionise, tako da moze da se prezivi i bez rada(mada to ne smatram za nacin, ali dobro...)

pravo na rad, ne znachi duznost ili prisila na rad


sad si se prosrao pa si jedva ostao ziv,

zar je razlika izmedju dobiti otkaz ili ne zaraditi pare kad je covek sam svoj sef...

najgore sto moze coveku da se desi ako je sam svoj sef je da mora da otpusti i sam seme i sve svoje radnike(ako ih ima)


stoga ne radi se o otkazu, nego o radu kao moralnoj obavezi... u tom smislu rad je moranje

ali ja gledam na MORANJE kao na nesto sto je fizicki obavezujuce...


Hehe :bigblue::pivopije:



Nego,neke novosti:

"MAGIC CIRCLE FESTIVAL website launched


The official website for the Magic Circle Festival has been launched. Check it out at http://www.magiccirclefestival.com/


MANOWAR and other members of the MAGIC CIRCLE MUSIC roster will be joining forces for what fans hope will become an annual event. HOLYHELL, THE DAVID SHANKLE GROUP, MESSIAH'S KISS (the German/American/British metal act featuring RIOT singer Mike Tirelli), MAJESTY and GAMMA RAY have been confirmed with more artists being added to the impressive lineup each day as the festival nears.


Make plans now to join the global Army Of Immortals on July 7, 2007 in the heart of Germany, Bad Arlosen for what is certain to be a once in-a-lifetime event. http://www.magiccirclefestival.com/"





"MANOWAR To Headline Kaliakra Rock Fest, Bulgaria On June 30th


Joker Media has the utmost pleasure to announce The Loudest Band In The World. MANOWAR, the undisputed legendary Kings Of Heavy Metal will be staging their first ever concert in Kavarna, Bulgaria on June 30th 2007.




MANOWAR will appear at the black sea coast city as headliners of this year's KALIAKRA ROCK FEST, which will take place from June 28th to June 30th. The negotiations with MANOWAR for their premier concert in Bulgaria took more than 3 years, with the band and its management finally expressing their great appreciation that MANOWAR will finally have the opportunity to meet and perform the ultimate metal concert for their many loyal Bulgarian fans who have waited anxiously for more than 2 decades.


Tickets are available for sale at the following locations:

- http://www.ticketstream.bg/

- http://www.eventim.bg/

- NDK (National Palace of Culture) box office - Tel. +359 2 916 63 69"




"Join MANOWAR on stage at the Magic Circle Festival


During the Magic Circle Festival, scheduled for July 7th, 2007 in Bad Arolsen, Germany, MANOWAR will give a unique opportunity for some lucky fans. One lucky fan will receive the opportunity to play guitar during MANOWAR’s “The Gods Made Heavy Metal” while other fans will have the opportunity to join the band on stage for the duration of the song. The lucky guitarist will also get to keep one of Karl Logan’s guitars. In order to enter the contest, fans must submit a video to www.YouTube.com showing themselves rocking out, or getting wild in any way they choose to a MANOWAR song. Now is your chance so come on be as crazy as you want to!


Videos cannot be longer than 2 minutes and all contestants must be at least 16 years old. After you upload your video, send the link to [email protected] along with your full name, phone number and date of birth. All Entries must be submitted by July 1st. If you need help uploading your video to YouTube please visit: http://www.google.com/support/youtube/


This is a chance for all brothers and sisters of metal to get the heavy metal experience of a lifetime!"



A ne mogu da provalim na mapi gde je taj Bad Arolsen :confused:

Znam da je negde izmedju Frankfurta i Kasela :ph34r:



Inace,na tom festivalu nastupaju (pored Manowar-a) i Gamma Ray ( :rockdevil: ),Majesty ( :rockdevil: ),David Shankle Group i drugi :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil:

Location (festivala):Prinz-Eugen-Kasarne :) (haha,ladno u nekoj kasarni ce da bude ovo :rockdevil: )


Tesko da sam video vece gayeve od manowaraa. Nemojte da se vredjate. Meni jesto do jaja ta "borba za metal", ali to sve zvuchi maksimalno smesno.

Bash je ono, kao, "jea, idemo zajedno u pobede, bratjo metalska". Previshe je iskljuceno iz realnosti.

hehe ja sam vec naruchio karte, u ponedeljak uplacujem pare :D

Jel' znas ti gde je uopste taj Bad Arsdajhfa...sta vec?


Tesko da sam video vece gayeve od manowaraa. Nemojte da se vredjate. Meni jesto do jaja ta "borba za metal", ali to sve zvuchi maksimalno smesno.

Bash je ono, kao, "jea, idemo zajedno u pobede, bratjo metalska". Previshe je iskljuceno iz realnosti.

Cccccc,bruka :no::twisted:

Jel' znas ti gde je uopste taj Bad Arsdajhfa...sta vec?

khm khm

kako ne bih znao kad sam bio sa ribom koja sada zivi tamo(sada imam i vise razloga da odem na taj festival)


Bad Arolsen (otprilike u blizini Kassela)

inache u relativnom centru Nemacke

Tesko da sam video vece gayeve od manowaraa. Nemojte da se vredjate. Meni jesto do jaja ta "borba za metal", ali to sve zvuchi maksimalno smesno.

Bash je ono, kao, "jea, idemo zajedno u pobede, bratjo metalska". Previshe je iskljuceno iz realnosti.


:spava: Milion puta cuo, smarate bre ljudi


Ја нећу више да смарам тим стварима. Слушаћу добре ста ре албуме и игнорисати ствари које ми се не свиђају. Тако радим са Металиком и функционише.

Bad Arolsen (otprilike u blizini Kassela)

inache u relativnom centru Nemacke

Znaci Kasel mu dodje najblizi veci grad,right?


Ја нећу више да смарам тим стварима. Слушаћу добре ста ре албуме и игнорисати ствари које ми се не свиђају. Тако радим са Металиком и функционише.

Eto resenja! :pivopije:

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