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  Prince of Darkness said:
Novi album je remek delo. Možda nisu sve pesme po mom ukusu, ali nije sve stvar ukusa. A oni koji pljuju po tom albumu, i nisu neki fanovi Manowar-a.




zar mora da mi se svidja apsolutno sve sto neki bend ispljune da bih bio fan njihovog rada?


mislim neki tako dokazuju kako su oni pravi fanovi, ja odgovaram samo svom sopstvenom ukusu... prosto i jednostavno

  Prince of Darkness said:
Novi album je remek delo. Možda nisu sve pesme po mom ukusu, ali nije sve stvar ukusa. A oni koji pljuju po tom albumu, i nisu neki fanovi Manowar-a.


Taj album veze nema sa remek delom.Taj album veze nema ni sa prosekom.Tako sta mogu reci samo fanaticni fanovi Manowara,i ajde to je razumljivo.Ali treba biti realan i sagledati stvari onakvima kakve jesu.Onaj ko pljuje po necemu sto je lose je realan.Onaj ko za svako govno koje bend izbaci kaze da je sladoled od cokolade...pa jebiga,zivi u zestokoj zabludi.Ajde reci "Meni se svidja"...ok,ukusi su cudo.Ali odvaljivati gluposti tipa "Remek delo","Rat i Mir heavy metala"...je nerealna nebuloza.



  lemmy sixx said:
Taj album veze nema sa remek delom.Taj album veze nema ni sa prosekom.Tako sta mogu reci samo fanaticni fanovi Manowara,i ajde to je razumljivo.Ali treba biti realan i sagledati stvari onakvima kakve jesu.Onaj ko pljuje po necemu sto je lose je realan.Onaj ko za svako govno koje bend izbaci kaze da je sladoled od cokolade...pa jebiga,zivi u zestokoj zabludi.Ajde reci "Meni se svidja"...ok,ukusi su cudo.Ali odvaljivati gluposti tipa "Remek delo","Rat i Mir heavy metala"...je nerealna nebuloza.


  Elldamar said:
Ja sebe i ne svrstavam u fanove Manowara

Onda nemas pravo glasa :bigblue:


  The Trooper said:



zar mora da mi se svidja apsolutno sve sto neki bend ispljune da bih bio fan njihovog rada?

Naravno :rockdevil:





Magic Circle Festival Campground Information


MANOWAR and Magic Circle Music are overwhelmed by the incredible response from the announcement of the Magic Circle Festival in Bad Arolsen on July 7th. In a sincere effort to try to do everything possible to make your festival a success we are reading all of your e-mail requests. So in response to one of the most important questions.


We are happy to announce that our massive campground will be opened from Thursday July 5, 2007 just minutes away from the festival ground.


Our mega campground will also have a sufficient number of shower containers and toilets that can be easily accessed via several streets, so that the arrival and departure can happen without long delays.


Also in an effort to make life a little easier and to assist in any last minute needs a mobile supermarket will be built on the campground where most everyday necessities can be purchased.


In addition to the headliners MANOWAR the festival line-up includes famous GAMMA RAY with Ex-Helloween singer and guitarist Kai Hansen, the creator of German power-metal movement, as well the American-British-German all-star-group MESSIAH'S KISS featuring Ex-RIOT singer Mike Tirelli.


We are also proud to announce the participation of such notable metal-big-shots as MAJESTY, who in the true spirit of MANOWAR have committed themselves to true heavy metal, the US group HOLYHELL featuring the breathtaking lead-singer Maria Breon, ex-MANOWAR drummer Rhino and Joe "The Shredlord" Stump who received truly euphoric reactions on the recent MANOWAR tour, the great DAVID SHANKLE GROUP, who will also present their new studio album and the Hamburg based STORMWARRIOR, whose set list will also include early Helloween classics featuring Kai Hansen, and to round things out we have just added the Russian metal legends GALAXY.


For further questions regarding the campground and the use thereof please check out the "FAQ" section.








MANOWAR reveals cover of Gods Of War Live



MANOWAR's upcoming double live album, "Gods Of War Live" will be released on July 6, 2007. This over-two-hour-long manifestation of pure power will feature the entire set list of the just-completed leg of the "Demons, Dragons and Warriors Tour 2007" including songs like "The Oath", "Mountain", "Warriors Of The World", "The Gods Made Heavy Metal" and songs from the new chart-topping album "Gods Of War".


"Gods Of War Live" is available for pre-sale TODAY at http://www.manowar.com/ and it will also be available at the Magic Circle Festival in Bad Arolsen, Germany on July 7th, 2007. For more information: http://www.magiccirclefestival.com/




Ajde bre ljudi iskulirajte malo :opusteno:



Nego,POPIZDEO sam danas - ladno su mi odbili zahtev za madjarsku vizu :udri::violent::tehkista::mad: :mad: :mad::puke: Sad razmisljam kako cu da odem za Nemacku (na tu svirku) :ph34r: I kako cu posle da se vratim kuci :unsure:

Al' cu ih bar gledati u Bugarskoj :rockdevil:: pivopije:

  LazaGNR said:
Ajde bre ljudi iskulirajte malo :opusteno:

Nego,POPIZDEO sam danas - ladno su mi odbili zahtev za madjarsku vizu :udri::violent::tehkista::mad: :mad: :mad::puke: Sad razmisljam kako cu da odem za Nemacku (na tu svirku) :ph34r: I kako cu posle da se vratim kuci :unsure:

Al' cu ih bar gledati u Bugarskoj :rockdevil:: pivopije:

jebaga... ne moze sve

  RNA said:
Money, money, money, bust be funny...

pa pazi, da je do novca festival bi kostao 70 evra, ali ovako 10 evrova za festival i to sa manowar, majesty, gamma ray, dsg, stormwarrior ... stvarno SAMO pokrivaju troskove

  RNA said:
Money, money, money, bust be funny...


Manje vise to,i trebaju da zaradjuju,od toga zive.Ne zivi se od maceva i ljubavi prema metalu.

Nego bre smaraju.Za 10 godina 60 live aluma,10 DVD-a (koji su svi isti),a dva nova studijska albuma koji ne vrede kurcu.Jebo to.


Зато сам и написао оно. Боље да су лепо одрадили 5 добрих албума, па да се на њима намалте пара за сав квалитет.

  LazaGNR said:
Nego,POPIZDEO sam danas - ladno su mi odbili zahtev za madjarsku vizu


Pa mozda zato sto si se na papirima potpisao kao "Laza GNR". :) :) :) Nisam mogo da verujem kad mi je Tosha pokazao. :) Za sledeci put uvezbaj Axl-ov potpis. :)


  The Trooper said:
ali nisu loshi, mislim da ih vredi videti iako su klon manowara, a koliko znam i oformio ih je ross the boss

Нисам чуо за то, знам да је онај Тарек Магани шеф.

  Brace said:
Pa mozda zato sto si se na papirima potpisao kao "Laza GNR". :) :) :) Nisam mogo da verujem kad mi je Tosha pokazao. :)

Hehe :bigblue:



Nego,idem sutra za BG (da probam da dobijem grcku vizu),pa ako me prime ( :ph34r: ) mozda i odem za Nemacku :rockdevil:

Posted (edited)
  lemmy sixx said:
Nego bre smaraju.Za 10 godina 60 live aluma,


Tek im je treci live album u karijeri (poslednji je bio 1999 god.,znaci pre 8 godina),meni je bas drago zbog toga,jer su predhodni odlicni,sto se mene tice mogu da izdaju live album posle svake turneje,to bi bilo odlicno!!!


A koga to smara nek ne slusa i zdravo.



Edited by Hail Metal

Naravno :pivopije:



Nego,ovi Nemci produzili onaj festival na 2 (tj. 3) dana :rockdevil:

I Manowar ce svirati oba dana :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil:

"Magic Circle Festival Adds Second Date


The What could be more metal than one day at the Magic Circle Festival? The answer is two days at the first ever Magic Circle Festival! Yes it's really true the festival is exploding and has now been extended to two days. The festivities will now begin on July 6th, 2007, in addition to the original date of July 7th, 2007. The festival will take place in Bad Arolsen, Germany with the amazingly low admission price of 10 Euros for each day. Tickets for the 7th are available now at the official Magic Circle Festival website, www.magiccirclefestival.com and tickets for the 6th will be available very soon. "We are very proud that our idea to reward the metal fans around the world with this special event has been received so well that we can give another show to them", says MANOWAR bassist Joey DeMaio.


Besides different sets of MANOWAR on each day, the Magic Circle Festival on July 6 and 7, 2007 will also feature performances of GAMMA RAY, MAJESTY, HOLYHELL, STORMWARRIOR, MESSIAH'S KISS, DAVID SHANKLE GROUP, LION'S SHARE, HEAVENLY and others.


The festival grounds will be opened on July 5 already with a special "Titty Twister Tent". Sufficient campground and on-site parking areas will be provided as well as a shower-city, supermarket and various vendors.


Furthermore, MANOWAR's new double-live album "GODS OF WAR LIVE" will be released on July 6th and will be available for purchase at the festival. This album will not only feature more than two hours of MANOWAR live music, but will also feature an exclusive 7-minute video of the song "Gods Of War", complete with MANOWAR's trademark explosive stage set including fireworks, a Viking ship and other special effects.


A video teaser has been posted on YouTube.com to give fans an example of the impressive performance they can expect to see at the Magic Circle Festival. Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9rqMPdL_ws


For more information, please visit:



Jebem mu kevu,moram nekako da odem na ovo <_<




I jos nekih vesti:

"MANOWAR reveals track list of "Gods Of War Live"



Joker MANOWAR reveals track list of their upcoming double live album, "Gods Of War Live" to be released on July 6, 2007:

1 - Manowar

2 - Call To Arms

3 - Gloves Of Metal

4 - Each Dawn I Die

5 - Holy War

6 - Mountains

7 - The Oath

8 - Secret Of Steel

9 - Son Of William's Tale

10 - The Gods Made Heavy Metal

11 - Die For Metal

12 - Kings Of Metal

13 - Warriors Of The World United

14 - Black Wind, Fire And Steel

15 - The Blood Of Odin

16 - The Sons Of Odin

17 - Glory Majesty Unity

18 - Gods Of War

19 - Army Of The Dead, Part II

20 - Odin

21 - Hymn Of The Immortal Warriors

22 - The Crown And The Ring"

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