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A, kad je taj festival???


Svaka cast na marketingu, tako se to radi! Prvi put vidim da jedan bend priredjuje ovakav spektakl.


I da, 80E je sasvim ok za 4 dana festa, plus sto dobijete majcu i DVD (koji sami bi inace kostali 40 evra minimum).


Steta sto je Nemacka, znaci karanje za vizu...


"Magic Circle Festival Volume I" DVD Release Party Invitation!


You are invited!


To attend the release parties for the “Magic Circle Festival Volume I” DVD!



Where: The Fabrik, Barnerstrasse 36, 22765 Hamburg, Germany

When: Thursday night, November 22nd AND Friday night, November 23rd

Time: 8:00 pm

Who is invited: Anyone who lives for true metal

What will happen: You will see a preview of the new Magic Circle Festival Volume 1 DVD

Is that all: No!

What else is there: MANOWAR will play LIVE!

Admission: FREE!!



With these release parties MANOWAR will start this holiday season with a Metal Explosion. Imagine seeing MANOWAR in a legendary concert club with great acoustics, blasting away.


You can be one of a select few: as there are no tickets and no admission fees, this can only happen on a first come first served basis, so please get there early!!



At the parties and at all of the signing sessions, you will be able to purchase the new “Magic Circle Festival Volume I” DVD. But, for a limited time you can get it FREE - along with a FREE T-shirt - with the purchase of a ticket to the Magic Circle Festival 2008!



MANOWAR will also be appearing at signing sessions in the following cities in Germany.


Look for them on the "True Metal Dealer Tour"


Friday 11/23/07


16:00 hr

Moenckebergstrasse 1

20095 Hamburg


Saturday 11/24/07


16:00 hr

Tauentzienstrasse 9

10789 Berlin


Sunday 11/25/2007

SUNSET No. 1 (DVD screening only)

18:00 hr

Große Allee 33

34454 Bad Arolsen


Monday 11/26/07


Königsstrasse 26

70173 Stuttgart


Wednesday 11/28/07


Vordere Ledergasse 30

90403 Nuremburg


Thursday 11/29/07


Schwanthaler Strasse 115

80339 München


For more information please go to:






"Magic Circle Festival Volume I" DVD Release Party Invitation


You are invited to attend the release parties for the "Magic Circle Festival Volume I" DVD



The Fabrik, Barnerstrasse 36, 22765 Hamburg, Germany



Thursday, November 22nd, 2007 at 20:00

Friday, November 23rd, 2007 at 20:00


Anyone who lives for true metal is invited. You'll be able to see a preview of the new Magic Circle Festival Volume 1 DVD but that's not all... MANOWAR will be there playing live! Admission is FREE!


In order to be one of the select few attending this event you'll have to be there early! Remember it's a FREE event so no tickets are available! First come, first served.


Director Neil Johnson will also be attending these parties. This will be your last opportunity to be interviewed for Hell On Earth Part V. Don't miss it!


You will be able to purchase the new Magic Circle Festival Volume I DVD at the parties AND at all of the signing sessions. But, for a limited time you can get it FREE - along with a FREE T-shirt - with the purchase of a ticket to the Magic Circle Festival 2008. Visit http://store.magiccirclemusic.com/ for more details!


MANOWAR will also be appearing at signing sessions in the following cities in Germany


Look for them on the "True Metal Dealer Tour"


Friday, November 23, 2007

From 16:00 to 18:00


Moenckebergstrasse 1

20095 Hamburg


Saturday, November 24, 2007

From 16:00 to 18:00


Tauentzienstrasse 9

10789 Berlin


Sunday, November 25, 2007

At 18:00

SUNSET No. 1 (DVD screening only)

Große Allee 33

34454 Bad Arolsen


Monday, November 26, 2007

From 16:00 to 18:00


Königsstrasse 26

70173 Stuttgart


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

From 16:00 to 18:00


Vordere Ledergasse 30

90403 Nuremberg


Thursday, November 29, 2007

From 16:00 to 18:00


Schwanthalerstr. 115

80339 Munich

A, kad je taj festival???

Sledeceg leta (10. jula - za moj rodjendan :lol:) :rockdevil:



N' da,vegeta me je pretekao - ladno Manowar ce svirati live u Nemackoj i to za dz!!! :udri::(


Reservations now available for MANOWAR’s free performances in Hamburg!


Due to all of your requests MANOWAR is now offering a reservation system for anyone who wishes to attend the Magic Circle Festival Volume I Double DVD Release parties.


The parties will take place at The Fabrik (Barnerstrasse 36, 22765 Hamburg, Germany) on Thursday November 22nd and Friday November 23rd at 20:00 and will feature a short LIVE performance of MANOWAR.


These will be FREE events and in order to accommodate loyal fans that are traveling long distances, we are offering 400 admission wristbands on each date for fans that do not want to risk the possibility of not getting inside. The Fabrik holds 800 people in total so if you can’t reserve a wristband make sure to show up early in order to get in.


In order to reserve your wristband go to www.manowar.com/freedvdparty on Sunday November 11th, 2007 starting at 21:00 CET. Each person will be able to reserve a maximum of two (2) wristbands for each date.


In order to receive your wristbands in advance, go to the MANOWAR Show Truck anytime after 17:00 until 20:00 and show a form of identification (Personal ID – Personalausweiss, Drivers License – Fuehrerschein, Passport). The MANOWAR Show Truck will be parked near the venue. Make sure you pick up your wristbands before 20:00 to avoid a cancellation of your reservation.


Don’t miss this opportunity to watch a preview of this historical DVD and enjoy a rare FREE LIVE performance of MANOWAR!




Monday, November 12, 2007


On this edition:


- Magic Circle Festival Volume 1 DVD Party (with free MANOWAR performance!)


Magic Circle Festival Volume 1 DVD Party (with free MANOWAR performance!)


Due to all of your requests, MANOWAR is now offering a reservation system for anyone who wishes to attend the Magic Circle Festival Volume I Double DVD Release parties.


Visit http://www.manowar.com/freedvdparty/ to make your reservation!


The parties will take place at The Fabrik (Barnerstrasse 36, 22765 Hamburg, Germany) on Thursday November 22nd and Friday November 23rd at 20:00 and will feature a short LIVE performance of MANOWAR.


These will be FREE events and in order to accommodate loyal fans that are traveling long distances, we are offering 400 admission wristbands on each date for fans that do not want to risk the possibility of not getting inside. The Fabrik holds 800 people in total so if you can't reserve a wristband make sure to show up early in order to get in.


Each person will be able to reserve a maximum of two (2) wristbands for each date.


In order to receive your wristbands in advance, go to the MANOWAR Show Truck anytime after 17:00 until 20:00 and show a form of identification (Personal ID - Personalausweiss, Drivers License - Fuehrerschein, Passport). The MANOWAR Show Truck will be parked near the venue. Make sure you pick up your wristbands before 20:00 to avoid a cancellation of your reservation.


Don't miss this opportunity to watch a preview of this historical DVD and enjoy a rare FREE LIVE performance of MANOWAR!


For more information about the upcoming double live DVD "Magic Circle Festival Volume 1" please visit http://www.manowar.com/

Posted (edited)

Ha,ladno mi je javljeno ovo:

Prvo ce 1. decembra Manowar doci u Bugarsku n apromociji DVD-a iz Kavarne (http://www.zrockbg.com/news_title.php?nid=324" target="_blank">http://www.zrockbg.com/news_title.php?nid=324</a>),a zatim ce i 31. decembra (za docek Nove godine!) Joey DeMaio i Eric Adams gosotvati u Kavarni!! :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil: Pored njih bice tu jos i Saxon i Holy Hell i bugarski bend BTR :pivopije:

http://zrockbg.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9...c&start=825" target="_blank">http://zrockbg.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9...c&start=825</a>



EDIT:as translated by angels deserve to die (hvala na prevodu :pivopije: ):

"Basista i pevach legendarne grupe Manowar dolaze 1. decembra kod nas da promovishu dugo ochekivani DVD 'Live in Kavarna". DVD sadrzi njihov koncert od 30. juna u Kavarni kao i koncertne kadre sa metal festvala "Bad Arolsen" odrzanog u Nemachkoj. Takodje, DVD sadrzi i chetiri pesme ruske metal grupe SIXTH SENSE, nama poznate sa ovogodishnjeg Kaliakra rock festa, gde su nastupili kao predgrupa "dinosaurusima". Ova grupa ce takodje prisustvovati promociji DVD-ja prvog decembra, a kompliment za njih predstavlja to shto ih je grupa Manowar izabrala da budu njihova predgrupa i na sledecim koncertima.


Shto se tiche vesti za Novu Godinu:

Po prethodno dobijenoj informaciji Joey DeMaio i Eric Adams dolzae 31. decembra u Kavarnu da tu dochekaju Novu godinu. Predvidjeno da u praznichnoj noci nastupe Holy Hell , Saxon и B.T.R. Posle ponoci za dobro raspolozenje stanovnika i gostiju gvrada pobrinuce ce poznata zvezda narodne muzike (da te ne zbuni ono "folk"!!!) Ilija Lukov i ansambl "Pirina". Mesec dana ranije Joey DeMaio ce posetiti Kavarnu radi promocije dugo ochekivanog DVD-ja. "

Edited by LazaGNR

Cak sta vise,bice dzabe :D;):pivopije:



...ako mislis na tu svirku na Trgu (kazem,bio sam tamo za proslu Novu godinu).

A ako mislis na to put+smestaj do Kavarne - OK,to ce naravno kostati (nece biti dzabe :) ) :pivopije:

Cak sta vise,bice dzabe :D;):pivopije:



...ako mislis na tu svirku na Trgu (kazem,bio sam tamo za proslu Novu godinu).

A ako mislis na to put+smestaj do Kavarne - OK,to ce naravno kostati (nece biti dzabe :) ) :pivopije:

sta SAXON za dzabe?

ja sam u kragujevcu za novu godinu... mada mozda sam i u bugarskoj

sad sam pao u bedak, jebem ti moje godine i stanje sa kintom :violent:

sve bih dao da mogu tamo da dovučem dupe :icon_ne:

eh, zbog ovoga bih se ladno ubio :mrtav:

jebiga pazi da ne umres pre njih,

ko sto ja gledam da odem na saxon pre nego sto pomru...


mislim nije pitanje dana, ali dinosaurusi stare,... :(

sta SAXON za dzabe?

:da: :da: :da:

Verov'o ti ili ne... :muzicar:


ja sam u kragujevcu za novu godinu... mada mozda sam i u bugarskoj

Pa eto,imas moj broj (valjda :ph34r::) ),pa se javi ako budes kombinovao nesto ;)

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