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:) :) :)



Pa jebi ga,organizujemo se za koncert :bigblue:


@Sandman:OK ti je potpis

"Brothers I am calling from the valley of the kings

With nothing to atone

A dark march lies ahead, together we will ride

Like thunder from the sky

May your sword stay wet like a young girl in her prime

Hold your hammers high"


Posted (edited)
@Sandman:OK ti je potpis

"Brothers I am calling from the valley of the kings

With nothing to atone

A dark march lies ahead, together we will ride

Like thunder from the sky

May your sword stay wet like a young girl in her prime

Hold your hammers high"



Taj baladni deo u pesmi je bash mocan,uostalom kao i cela pesma. :bigblue:


Ovo je definitivno jedan od najbolidnijih stihova u istoriji muzike. :) Ali nema veze,tekst je kvlt. :da:

E da,slazhem se da taj stih zvuchi malo smeshno,al' nema veze pesma je ubica. :rockdevil:

Edited by Sandman
:) :) :)



Pa jebi ga,organizujemo se za koncert :bigblue:


@Sandman:OK ti je potpis

"Brothers I am calling from the valley of the kings

With nothing to atone

A dark march lies ahead, together we will ride

Like thunder from the sky

May your sword stay wet like a young girl in her prime

Hold your hammers high"




Jedan od najbojlih tekstova ikada u metalu,jedna od najboljih pesama ikada,Iso bi na Manoware samo zbog nje kolko je volim to ne znaci da ostale pesme ne valjaju daleko od toga,odlicne su . . . Samo me nervira sto su toliko skupi pa nemogu da dodju u Srbiju,al metal bednovi i treba da buudu toliko nakurceni i njihovi fanopvi treba da budu nakurceni to je strava,to je mocno u metalu. . .HAIL TO MANOWAR!!!







"New MANOWAR song preview - Die With Honor


Director Neil Johnson has just posted a new preview to MANOWAR's new single "Die With Honor", watch it at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0Qap5X5DVE


You can also watch MANOWAR rehearsing the song "Hail To England" at the band's official mobile blog: http://www.royalartistclub.com/manowar/


20,000 FREE copies of the new MANOWAR single will be given away during the Magic Circle Festival 2008, for more information please visit: http://www.magiccirclefestival.com/"




Nego... :( ...sve su mi manje i manje sanse da cu ici u Nemacku :( :( :(

I to jer mozda necu stici da izvadim vizu :udri:

Ranije (prosle godine) se viza dobijala isti ili eventualno sledeci dan,a sad su picke proemnuli sistem - treba mi 5 do 10 radnih dana :mad:

A jos nisam predao...a 3. uvece treba da krenemo za Bugarsku...

Idem u ponedeljak da vidim sta ce biti sa time,ako ne stignem da izvadim jebenu majdarsku vizu -> :udri::mad::udri::mrtav:


Bas ce mi biti razocarenja za rodjendan... :( :( :(


Jebi ga :) :) :)



nego,ja se jos kako ndaam da cu stici da izvadim madj. vizu,pa da picim za Nemacku :ph34r:

A u cetvrtak uvece treba da krecemo za Bugarsku... :ph34: :ph34r: :ph34r:


"Germany Honors Soccer Team


To honor the German National soccer team's great effort in the European Cup, the organizers of the Magic Circle Festival will now make one day tickets available.


Special one day tickets for Thursday July 10th, Friday July 11th and Saturday July 12th will now be on sale at 50 EUR each.


The MAGIC CIRCLE FESTIVAL 2008 will be held in Germany's Bad Arolsen and will feature bands such as MANOWAR, Whitesnake, Alice Cooper, Def Leppard, Ted Nugent, Gotthard, Doro, WASP, Brazen Abbott with Joe Lynn Turner and many others.


However, those who want to see and take part in 4 days of metal mayhem and experience the full line-up with all the great bands, 20.000 free beers, 20.000 free new Manowar singles and the chance to win 4 custom choppers owned by the band, will get all this for just 80 EUR with the complete 4-Day-Festival-Ticket. Free parking and camping included!


The day tickets are available now through the outlet channels of www.kartenhaus.de, www.eventim.com, www.magiccirclefestival.com and all regular ticket outlets as well as the box office on the day of the show.


Now where the soccer party is over do not miss the chance to attend the next party event of the summer.


For more information: www.magiccirclefestival.com"



Hm,ima da se kupe karte preko Eventima?

Hehe,nice,nice :pivopije:

Posted (edited)

ja bih voleo da odem na taj manowar, al kurac

6 albuma u roku od 2 dana


plache mi se, a pritom je to odo 5-6 sati kolima :/

Edited by The Trooper
Posted (edited)

E,Stevo,sta mi je blize tom Kaselu - Dusseldorf ili Cologne? :confused:

Gledam aerodrome (planiram da picim iz Varne za Nemacku avionom;mada je za oba pravca ista cena - 174 eura u jednom pravcu).

...ako dobijem vizu sutra naravno :rolleyes::udri::mad:


Iskreno, ocekujem da ce sad kad su napeglali prvih 6 albuma celih za taj Magic Circle, bar manji deo toga izvesti i u Kavarni :D Ne bi bilo nikoga srecnijeg od mene :da:

Pa svirace sigurno neto od starijih stvari (mislim,'de ne bi? :) ),tako da mozda uleti i Defender :da::pivopije:

Edited by LazaGNR

blizi ti je Düsseldorf, ali to je razlika oko 20 km


ako ti je do najblizeg aerodroma probaj da dobijes Erfurt ili Leipzig moze biti da su oni blize...


Posted (edited)
Nek ti je srecom Lazo!

Brothers of metal su uz tebe. :pivopije:

Hvala :pivopije:


Nadam se :):ph34r:



blizi ti je Düsseldorf, ali to je razlika oko 20 km


ako ti je do najblizeg aerodroma probaj da dobijes Erfurt ili Leipzig moze biti da su oni blize...

Hvalan na infou :pivopije:

Videcu na koji od tih mogu najjranije da stignem - 9. ujutru bi trebao da budem u Budimpesti,pa cu da iskombinujem nesto :pivopije:



Kad se vratim (za 10-ak dana :) ),prenecu vam utiske :pivopije:

Edited by LazaGNR

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