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New MANOWAR CD and video release

Tuesday - August 01, 2006


MANOWAR is back with an October 2006 release of a new single "The Sons Of Odin" followed by a full length DVD containing the historic EarthShaker Fest 2005 performance this November.


Fans can soon expect more details about the release date of the new studio album entitled "Gods Of War."



Italy's Gods Of Metal Festival 2007 May Not Happen

Thursday - August 03, 2006


An official statement issued today by Magic Circle Management, announced that the promoters of The Gods Of Metal have reported that, due to financial constraints placed upon their company, the festival may not take place in 2007.


As a result, they will not honor their original agreement made with Magic Circle Management for what would be Manowar's 4th headlining appearance, bringing with them Rhapsody Of Fire as special guests and the Italian debut of HolyHell. As a side note, Manowar holds the record of headlining the Gods Of Metal Festival more times than any other band. Manowar and Magic Circle Music would like to clarify that they are in no way responsible for the cancellation of next years Manowar’s performance.


Manowar bassist Joey DeMaio says, "We wanted to inform fans as soon as possible so that they would not purchase tickets expecting to see Manowar perform at the festival. The promoters have, in the past, been known as men of honor and our trust in them went so far as to allow them exclusively to announce our appearance for 2007. We as a band understand that our Italian fans will surely be disappointed, but make no mistake about it. This was not our decision. We too are disappointed. We have been preparing a very special show just for our Italian fans and we will now seek every opportunity to bring this massive show to Italy. We will never let our fans down."

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Skinuh sada novi EP, i jebeno ne mogu da dočekam novi album!


Gods of War mi se na sajtu učinio kao, ok fina pesma, ali kad sam celu odslušao mnogo mi je moćna!

The Sons of Odin, odlična takođe!!!


Nadam se da će i ostatak albuma biti dobar!

Posted (edited)

Meni su najbolji Manowari Hail to England i Sign of the Hammer (koliko se secam jesu epskom fazonu, ali nisu kurac-palac hail metal death to all the rest!), ima tu i tamo - pre i posle - koja pesma, ali ovo su mi zaokruzeni albumi istinski HM albumi... moje subjektivno misljenje, naravno.


Nekako, u svoj toj naivnosti, najcedniji su mi... ali, da ne zracim ljude, ovo sto rade od Triumpha (ne racunajuci ovaj album) na ovamo - lose je za medalju. Zlatnu.


Uvek mi je bilo smesno koliko grme i prde na sve strane - a da im posaljes Panteru il' Morbide, usrali bi se u gace.

"Other bands play - Manowar queers"


Sad, Maiden su u odnosu na Manowar, sve samo ne gej - svoje matore guzice drze u gacama, ne furaju kozne tange sa nogavicama i pokazuju guzne bubuljone po svetu.


OK sve, ali jedna stvar me uvek iritirala do bo;a - cak i u godinama kad sam se kleo u Manowar (vreme Prostora, tj. kad su u XL izlazili pankeri i metalci) - to je kad onaj jadnik Joe DeMaio uvati da besmisleno drlja po onom unesrecenom basu + to odene glupava epska imena i krsti ih "instrumentalima".... zaista, nikad nista gluplje nisam cuo.


Na stranu sve, izlazem se gadnom riziku da me neko sad ne backstabuje sa bastard swordom, uleti na konju u moju sobu i rascepi morning starom po grudima dok spavam, ili iscupa glavu iz tela i provoza je okolo po forumu... ali sta ces, to ti je sloboda govora.


Uf, sad kad pricam o njima, bez obzira na sve - slusa mi se Blood of My Enemies - a mrzi me da u ranu zoru ceprkam po kasetama na ormaru.

Edited by Abramelin

Sta seres da bi se Manowar usrali???Sta lupas?Od cega bi se to usrali,molim te?


I gde si ti to video da oni 'furaju' kozne tange i pokazuju bulje? wallbash.gif A i,anyway,kad Blackie Lawless to uradi onda je to OK? icon_uhoh.gif


Joey DeMaio-a nazivas jadnikom???Jeb'o mamu no.gifno.gifno.gif Brate (jadnice) idi se ubi odma'...i seri u gace od Pantere i Morbida...

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