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  Black desire said:
Nero mi je definitivno naj Satirikon do sad.


Haha, znao sam ja :D


  Sisus said:
Najbolji i jedini neprevazidjeni Satyricon je Rebel Extravaganza. Ostali mu nisu ni do kolena.




Meni su Nemesis Divina i Rebel rame uz rame omiljeni Satirikon albumi,a onda sledi Now,Diabolical. :redface:

Još uvek nisam preslušao The Age Of Nero,i ne verujem da ću skoro,mrzi me. :)


Meni je tako. Meni su dobri albumi i Dark Medieval Times, Nemesis Divina i Now, Diabolical. Shvatam da se menjaju i da ne treba da obrcu jedno te isto, samo ovaj mi ne lezi dosadan mi je, nema tu nista tako zanimljivo i dosta ljudi koje znam kazu isto tako.


New Times Broward-Palm Beach: Did you personally feel more involved in the songwriting process this time around?


Frost: Taking part in the creative process, just being there, and creating the rhythmical structures is huge work in itself. And when we have the most ingenious songwriter in this whole genre of music, why should I try to go in there and mess up his ideas? It's a bit like having a Mozart or Beethoven in the band. And if you are an assistant to Beethoven, for example, you don't go in and try to put in pieces of work in his compositions.


Frost je ili totalno pobrljavio od lošeg sranja koje šmrče ovih dana ili je pokupio i sexualnu orijentaciju od Gaahl-a, treceg nema :)

  NYX 218 said:
Malo su otisli u out sa novijim stvaralastvom, al` `ajde, to je samo jedno misljenje.


Meni je to bas ok.Suludo je ocekivati jos jedan shadowthrone od njih,i mislim da su ovakve faze svim bendovima +,naravno pod uslovom da znaju sta rade.A satyr nije nimalo glup i zato je nero pun pogodak

  Grobodan said:
New Times Broward-Palm Beach: Did you personally feel more involved in the songwriting process this time around?


Frost: Taking part in the creative process, just being there, and creating the rhythmical structures is huge work in itself. And when we have the most ingenious songwriter in this whole genre of music, why should I try to go in there and mess up his ideas? It's a bit like having a Mozart or Beethoven in the band. And if you are an assistant to Beethoven, for example, you don't go in and try to put in pieces of work in his compositions.


Frost je ili totalno pobrljavio od lošeg sranja koje šmrče ovih dana ili je pokupio i sexualnu orijentaciju od Gaahl-a, treceg nema :)


Pazi, da Frost zaista ne misli to što je rekao, davno bi napustio Satyricon.

  Grobodan said:
OK, Satyr je stvarno fenomenalan lik, ali...Mocart? Betoven? Ma daj.


Dobro, čovek govori sa svoje tačke gledišta, da je Satyr za black metal onoliko bitan koliko i Mocart i Betoven za klasiku. Nije da se ne slažem.

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