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Nije to jedino što fali.


The main differences I've spotted after a first listening are:

1) a sound almost imperceptibly cleaner;

2) Track 5, Immortality Passion, has been cut by approximately 1 minute (the original track was 8:23 long, the remastered one is 7:20).

The first cut part is that starting at 1:01. It ends at 2:27 in the original release and at 1:45 (42 seconds less) in the reissue when he says "Forever in warfare my heart is". It is a repetitive instrumental part, so actually nothing has been omitted here, you may call it a shortcut.

The second cut part is that immediately after he says "I feel strangled". You can find it at 4:18 in the original release and it lasts 21 seconds, until 4:39. Now, if you go at 3:36 in the reissue you won't find this part at all.


Kad budem rešio da kupim album ipak ću da jurim neko starije izdanje, pa šta košta nek' košta...


Nero je neuspešan, možda previše ambiciozan, pokušaj jahanja onoga što je Now, Diabolical


S/T ima nekoliko dobrih pesama, ali, sveukupno, nije to to


Uf, meni je self titled odlican bas. Phoenix himna. :D

Dok na Nero i Volcano mogu par pesama da izdvojim - Now diabolical mi je komplet dobar.

Naravno, samo naivcine mogu da ocekuju da ce da izbace nov ND album...

' timestamp='1465221164' post='2913178']

Phoenix himna. :D


Ako je Phoenix najbolja pesma na jednom Satyricon albumu (a jeste), onda se treba zapitati šta nije u redu sa tim albumom.

Posted (edited)

Evo, ja cu to da kazem :).

Slusao to pre 2 godine uzivo i sve vreme razmisljao koliko bih vise voleo da slusam Anthems.

Edited by 23/16

:haha: :haha:


Evo, ja cu to da kazem :).

Slusao to pre 2 godine uzivo i sve vreme razmisljao koliko bih vise voleo da slusam Anthems.


a jesi slusao kod kuce neki put? :P

Jeste Anthems jaci, ali to je nijansa tipa ItNE - 9.7, a AttWaD - 10



ipak pre nešto tipa ItNE - 10, a AttWaD - 9.99


i to ne zato što i AttWaD nije 10, nego zato što je ItNE preko 10


Tačno tako.


Anthems je čista desetka, ali ITNE se ne može izraziti brojem. Singularitet.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Da, baš je smeće poslednji, ja sam ga prvi put pustio pre 2 nedelje, obrnuh celu diskografiju.


Tačno tako.


Anthems je čista desetka, ali ITNE se ne može izraziti brojem. Singularitet.


Iiiii nije nego su oba preko 10, ajde

  • 3 months later...

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