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pa, ne... Now Diabolical je ok, povremeno ( na duze staze smori ), a cini mi se da je i Volcano takav (osim sto ima lolchinu od pesme B(l)ackLavaaaaa :D :D)

poshtujem ja sto su oni evoluirali, samo sto su chini mi se zapali u nekakav gadan klishe... Nero je stilski srodan ovim albumima, a mozda i previse... jednostavno, nema iznenadjenja, kucanje po sablonu... mozda je to ipak album za ljude kojima se V/ND period stvaaaaarno und najjache svideo, pa reshili da produze dozivljaj...


dakle, slazem se sa black-ovim cenjenim misljenjem...


skrenuo bih paznju da mi se jos preterano ne svidjaju ni Armada/Kolossus od KoK (boring), In Sorte Diaboli od DrzavneBezbednosti (yaaaawn!) - sve jako dobro isproducirani i osmisljeni albumi, koji su poprilicno praznjikavi sto se atmosfere tice... no, mozda tek treba da se slegne... ko zna...


ja sam misljenja da ovaj bend snimi nesto na foru bore dugica to ce zvucati dobro.kao sto su i nero i now diabolical,iako su zanrovski prilicno odskocili od onoga sto su nekada radili meni se to svidja.pesme su slusljive,zarazne i nije potrebno 3 miliona slusanja da bi se zapazio neki dobar rif i da bi neki prejebeni bleker shvatio koliko je to dobar album.satyr je resio da ti to plasira na prvo slusanje,da te mazne kao samarcinom,sto se desilo u mom slucaju.


e sad ako vam se ne svidja,imate dark funeral pa podizite svoju svest na visi nivo uzivajuci u atmosferi istog :pivopije:

e sad ako vam se ne svidja,imate dark funeral pa podizite svoju svest na visi nivo uzivajuci u atmosferi istog :pivopije:


Pa 'de njih nađe za primer, bend koji ne može biti jednostavniji :)


Aj da kažemo Deathspell Omega :P


Hmmmm..... ja sam prvo od svih Satyricona cuo Now, Diabolical i bash mi se nije dopao i to me je bash odbilo od benda. Ali sam onda cuo Nemesis Divina i album mi se bash dopao isto kao odma posle i Rebel Extravaganza i Volcano. Ovaj novi mi je isto super. :da:

Hmmmm..... ja sam prvo od svih Satyricona cuo Now, Diabolical i bash mi se nije dopao i to me je bash odbilo od benda. Ali sam onda cuo Nemesis Divina i album mi se bash dopao isto kao odma posle i Rebel Extravaganza i Volcano. Ovaj novi mi je isto super. :da:


Lunar potpuno nelogičan po običaju :)


pa po nekima je krchanje i zujanje atmosfera (gde se ne bih bas slozio), a konkretno sam fan takvih stvari samo u organicenom broju slucajeva... :)

postujem i podrzavam stilski pravac tzv. black 'n' roll-a, ali su se previse zaleteli sa tom idejom misleci verovatno da je sama ideja dovoljno fascinantna da moze da pokrije kreativnu blokadu... ili sta vec

btw. mislim da sam vec naleteo na par klonova koji mnogo interesantnije i sto je bitno - energicnije zvuce od zadnjeg Satyricona...




  • 1 month later...

Bassist Victor Brandt has left the Norwegian black metal band SATYRICON.


In addition to touring with SATYRICON for the past few years, Brandt has appeared on the band's "My Skin Is Cold" and "The Age Of Nero" recordings and is featured in the video for the song "Black Crow On A Tombstone" (see clip below).


Brandt is continuing to record and perform with TOTALT JÄVLA MÖRKER, which will release a new full-length album, "Söndra & Härska", this summer via Regain Records.


Bands who are looking for a new guitarist or bass player can contact

Victor Brandt through his MySpace page.



Eto, ako neko trazi gitaristu/basistu... :D

  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...
Vocalist Sigurd "Satyr" Wongraven of Norwegian black metallers SATYRICON told Terrorizer.com that the band's upcoming concert in London, England (on December 20) will mark the beginning of a new phase in the group's evolution. "From then on, there are going to be a lot of changes in the SATYRICON camp," he said. "After we take a long touring break and come back a couple of years later, certain people may not be with us any longer. Although we won't be doing anything overly dramatic, we'll be trying quite a few different things, which I think is going to be really good for SATYRICON. The reason we're doing that is so we can continue to develop our sound. At the moment we are still enjoying what we do, but if that continues any longer it'll undoubtedly stagnate, so we need to ensure that doesn't happen. And moving in different musical directions is definitely a good way to go about it."


"As an artist, there are so many new things I'd like to do," Satyr added. "And one of them is to work on some songwriting for SATYRICON, though from an entirely different angle. For example, we may chose to go for a similar tone, but use a different set of instruments in the next record. Maybe there are also other recording techniques, which could add a different element to our work and open up fresh musical territory. Our last three releases all follow a certain style and pattern, and we want to create a record that's radically different from the others. Though the foundation of SATYRICON's sound — my songwriting and Frost's signature drumming — will always remain unchanged."


Read the entire interview from Terrorizer.com.


Meni zvuci interesantno ovaj "different set of instruments". Ili idu u folk ili u industrial, nema trece. :haha:

Ja sam 90% siguran da odoše u industrial vode.


Meni je ovo stvarno super vest, bas razmisljah nesto kako bi bilo da ubace onaj epic/folk smek starih albuma, ono, to bi sad zvucalo mnogo bolje sa modernom produkcijom i iskustvom koje sad imaju, al opet i indastrijal fazon bi bio zakon, sve u svemu ja zadovoljan


Izgleda da je Satyr resio malo da uziva u svom bogatstvu, i da odmori koju godinu. Okej, postujem to sto planiraju malo da promene svoj zvuk, ali kod takih stvari uvek je diskutabilo dal ce biti dobar album i siguran prezir od starijih Satyricon fanova.

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