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Bend je nastao u Arkanzasu (8O smile.gif). Muzika nije losa, ali stvarno nista posebno, ali zato vokal Amy Lee sve nadoknadjuje biggrin.gifa:.

Moze se cuti na VIVA+ sing Bring Me to Life, sa gostujucim muskim vokalom (bez koga su i mogli :roll:; lik ladno u jednom trenutku "peva" Livin' a lie... smile.gifbiggrin.gifsmile.gif).

Jel' cuo neko?


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evo i necega o njima:


"Evanescence is:

Amy Lee

Ben Moody

John Lecompt

Rocky Gray

(and formerly) David Hodges


Folks new to Evanescence fandom may be surprised to learn that Ben Moody and Amy Lee, the founding members of Evanescence, met at church camp. I interviewed Ben in 1998 and here's how he characterized the meeting:


Several years ago Amy and myself were attending a youth camp. I was playing with the praise and worship group and Amy was a camper. During some kind of break/recreation time I was sitting in the gym watching a basketball game. On the other side of the court was a stage for plays and a piano. I was just sitting there bored to tears when all of the sudden I was given a quick jolt as my ears were filled with the sound of the piano intro to Meatloaf's "I Would Do Anything For Love."


I looked over at the piano and there was this girl effortlessly displaying emmence amounts of talent. After my initial envious rage subsided I hopped to my feet and ran right through the basketball game straight to the piano and introduced myself.


She then impressed me further with songs that she had written. I thought I was in heaven. But then she sang. I nearly died. coming from this tiny little youth camp reject was one of the most powerful, beautiful voicies I'd ever heard. So I somehow convinced her to never play with anyone else again and she's been mine ever since.


Ben and Amy soon began recording songs like "Give Unto Me" and "Understanding" under the name Evanescence. With such influences as Type O Negative, Living Sacrifice (who, rumor has it, once asked Ben to join as guitarist, but he turned them down to continue focusing on Evanescence), Portishead and Sarah McLachlan they began to craft a unique sound that took in elemants of metal, electronic music and (probably without intending it) goth rock.


Brad Caviness started to play "Understanding" and "Give Unto Me" on the radio show he co-hosted on KABF in Little Rock, giving Evanescence their first exposure to the world at large.


Their debut EP was released in December of 1998 at their first show (to my knowledge) at Vino's in Little Rock. The run of 100 CDRs sold out quickly that night.


At some point David Hodges joined the band on keys , but I can't give you any details on that because I don't know how that transpired. I can say that those close to the band were in shock, as Ben Moody is a notorious perfectionist who has a hard time finding anyone who he feels comfortable playing music with.


The Whisper EP was released around this time by by the band with help from BigWig Enterprises on CDR (limited to 50 copies).


In time the Evanescence live show was rounded out with such members as John Lecompt (formerly of Mindrage) and Rocky Gray (of Soul Embraced and Living Sacrifice).


Recently David Hodges has parted ways with the band, for reasons unknown to me. John Lecompt and Rocky Gray are now considered full-fledged members of the band.


This band, once only know to us lucky few, is now finally poised to take the world by storm. Their major-label debut is coming out on Wind-Up Records, home to such crappy bands as Creed and Drowning Pool. Well, we can't hold that against the band. They also have two songs slated to be on the soundtrack for the terribly cast movie, DareDevil, but we can't hold that against the band either. The overpowering sounds of Evanescence will finally take their place in the limelight where we all knew they'd end up! "


imam i spot

i njihove za sada 4 pesme

imaju dva albuma

prvi se zove Origin a drugi Fallen

tekstovi su im stvarno OK

mada mi se jedna pesma veoma mnogo svidja sa prvog albuma



imam i spot  

i njihove za sada 4 pesme

imaju dva albuma

prvi se zove Origin a drugi Fallen

tekstovi su im stvarno OK

mada mi se jedna pesma veoma mnogo svidja sa prvog albuma



Jesu li cele pesme? Ako si ih spustila, daj reci odakle biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifa:.


album je skroz solidan...mada posle nekog vremena..sve isto zvuci.


onaj singl sa glupavim muskim/reperskim vokalim je najgora pesma na albumu...


i naravno...najveci singl u Americi smile.gif


ali skroz su solidni inace.


sluso sam tu pjesmu bring me to life koja se vrti po tvu.. i opet kazem: onaj muski vocal upropasti citavu pjesmu. band je dobar i svidja mi se, ali nije im trebalo da ubacuju onog nu-metal boya.




pesme su cele *skinute sa kaze

probaj ovaj link

ako ne mozhesh nishta da skinesh javi mi se

pa cu neshto smisliti da ti prebacim bar jednu pesmu

videcu ako mogu da stavim na svoj sajt

well probaj


hm samo da dodam da sam sada overila link

i da mi ne izgleda obecavajuce

pa javi mi ako ne nadjesh neshto od njih

rekla sam veca da cemo smisliti neshto



meni je spot bio zanimljiv dok sam morala da ga hvatam na vivi ili MTVu

sada kada ga imam ni ne gledam ga

opet ga hvatam na TVu haha

ali ima par dobrih forica *recimo dok ona hioda po vanjskom delu zgrade, prikazuju unutra ljude, kao neki kostimirani party, pa chovu koji gleda TV i tako


Bend je odlican sto se zvuka, aranzmana i atmosfere tice, ali daleko od besprekornog. Naime, vokal ribe me odusevljava i definitivno je najupecatljiviji elemenat celoga benda i bez nje bili bi samo jos jedno new wave smece u poplavi doticnih bendova. Muski vokal potpuno je bespotreban, sreca sto ga nema u velikom broju pesama - u

suprotnom bi ovaj bend trebalo zaobici u sirokom luku.

Povremeno repovanje u LP stilu (kao sto je gore vec receno) stvarno kvalitetno upropasti celu pesmu, ali donekle razumem takvo produkciono resenje, jer su oni ipak jedan od Mtv/2 bendova, a zna se sta publika toga trzista poslednjih godina sumanuto guta. Druga stvar koja me strasno nevira je estetski fazon benda.

Gledao sam pre neki dan uzivo nastup kod Jay Leno-a - devojka je obucena u totalno darkerskom fazonu, sva u crnom, koza, martine, gotivna sminka (uz to sto mnogo dobro izgleda), dok je ostatak postave u hip hop/lp fazonu i izgledaju kao klovnovi. Tu je i gitarista u vidu

debele bradate gmazine koji podseca na izbacivaca iz fensi klubica ili, jos gore, na "ritam nereda" nabode, a da ne pominjemo koliko bend lici na Lacunu Coil, koji definitivno ima 100% uticaja na njihovo muziciranje i koji je neprikosnoven u svome podneblju. Ubedljivo mi se najvishe svidja pesma "My Last breath" sa "Fallena".


Bring me to life mi se mnoooogo svidja. Taj gostujuci vokal je sladak ko secer, a i spot je po mojoj meri....

Gotik HC. :mrgreen:


Video sam samo onaj spot na vivi+ i bas dobro zvuce.


Nasao sam nekog tipa, za kog mislim da ima oba albuma, tako da cu najverovatnije da mu ih uzmem...


prvi put sam ih cuo prije tri dana kad sam gledao Daredevil.Bili su ok pa sam resio da skinem koji mp3.Skinuo sam naravno bring me to life koja mi se i nije nesto svidjela i Going under koja je fenomenalna.Dobro koriste klavir a mala fenomenalno pjeva.

  • 3 weeks later...

to je jedina pesma sa tim glupavim muskim vokalima.


ono, cisto za americko trziste.


ostale pesme su skroz kul.


Covek je potpuno u pravu....stvarno su dobre pesme...ima malo the gathering smeka iz nighttime birds faze...malo lacune coil, naravno....ali je sve ultra melodicno...pomalo predvidljivo, pa malo dosadi posle dugotrajnog slusanja....dosta je blag album i to im je jaca strana...

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Bring me to life mnogo smara ako mene pitate. I skroz taj fazon koji su uveli Limp Bizkit i Linkin Park mi se skroz gadi!

DeFinitiVno.... Ma koliko ne bio konzervativan i ma koliko davao sanse novim stilovima i trendovima, takav pristup muzici zaista ne mogu da zavolim...

Dobra stvar je u tome sto im je samo ta jedna pesma djubre, dok su ostale stvari zaista dobre... pogotovu one sa davnih EP-eva...


Cuo sam ove... i... sta znam... OK su na prvo slusanje poslije smorni... Ali cuo sam samo jednu pjesmu, tako da ovo nije konacno...


A posto vec pricate o tome na koga lici ova riba - meni najvise lici na Chuck Billy-ja iz Testamenta!!! biggrin.gifa: :mrgreen:tongue.gif:mrgreen:biggrin.gifa:

  • 4 weeks later...

"Bring me to life" je najgore smece, Preporucio bih ti da skines drugi single "going Under" ili "My last breath" koja je najbolja pesma na albumu.

Inache sto vishe slusam bend sve me vishe smara... uzasno su linearni... a Amy iako ima dobar glas peva kao da place u svakoj pesmi....

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