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inace,objektivno,album je vrhunac karijere kako u produkcijskom,tako i u kreativnom smislu.prije pametovanja preslusati album detaljno. 


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Слушај прва три ако желиш да чујеш како ова група заиста звучи.

eto, imaš ta tri + bezbroj bendova koji snimaju bezbroj takvih albuma.

ovo ostavi kilavim pederčićima i sve je kul.


aaa, kako ovih sat vremena brzo prođu! na prvo slušanje sam i mogao da izdvojim dva-tri favorita, sada nema šanse!

meni lagano najbolji metal bend današnjice.


Слушај прва три ако желиш да чујеш како ова група заиста звучи.

Slušaj prva tri ako želiš da čuješ kako je ova grupa zvučala.


Grutle on "Singular":


"This was definitely the song we spent the longest time working with. It was hard to come up with ideas for arrangements, and we tried out a lot of different stuff. In this process, however, we enjoyed the song more and more. When we finally finished writing the arrangements, it was a real pleasure to record it! A fantastic song, full of surprises and changes. Without a doubt the most progressive song this time. Gotta love it!"


Ivar on "Singular":


"This is where the 'last part' of the album starts: For me, the first four songs represent the extreme metal tradition of ENSLAVED, while 'Axioma' and 'Giants' represents a transition into the last part where we are showing more of our influences from so-called progressive music and classic rock. In 'Singular', I would say that it is more the form than the actual tonality and chord progressions that are pointing towards these influences: The riffs are on the extreme/ black side with the occasional nod to classic thrash metal. It is classic ENSLAVED in the sense that it is rule-breaking, somewhat chaotic at first listen, yet logical at the same time, building intensity towards a droning stretch towards the end. Conceptually, the song deals with the concept of being Singular, the Power of One — not to be confused with 'Goth-alone.' For me, it could be dealing with the fruits of taking the pain and disasters as natural, valuable parts of the journey, and the pleasure of reaping what you've sown."


Za sada najbolja pesma Night Sight, kakav uticaj King Crimsona na ovu pesmu sa "black growl" vokalima, blesavo skroz. Album je odlican. Prvi put sam cuo za Enslaved kada su objavili Vertebrae i tada su me skroz oduvali. Jedva cekam 18. oktobar, nadam se da ce duze da sviraju od Dimmu Borgira (mada je i "hokus pokus" solidan albuma).

Guest Wonderfall

Dobar novi Enslaved. Ništa epohalno i revolucionarno, ali bend definitivno održava vrlo visok nivo. Kako god okreneš, ovo je natprosečno izdanje gledano u kontekstu ponude u dosadašnjem delu godine. Imam utisak da bi Opeth ovako zvučao da danas svira muziku kakvu je svirao na prvih nekoliko albuma.


Dobar novi Enslaved. Ništa epohalno i revolucionarno, ali bend definitivno održava vrlo visok nivo. Kako god okreneš, ovo je natprosečno izdanje gledano u kontekstu ponude u dosadašnjem delu godine. Imam utisak da bi Opeth ovako zvučao da danas svira muziku kakvu je svirao na prvih nekoliko albuma.


ma kakav crni opeth...


za mene je epohalno je izdanje posto dokazuje da je ovaj bend uvek u stanju da napreduje i usavrsava svoj zvuk kao malo koji drugi bend, to mi daje veru u metal

muziku 2010-te. bez novog enslaved albuma ne bih bio ni upola sretan sto se tice metal izdanja ove godine.

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