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taman da pocnem spiku, kad se trent iznenada pojavljuje i rjesava stvar.


10 October 2007: everything you wanted to know about Y34RZ3R0R3MIX3D but were afraid to ask




Here's some information on Y34RZ3R0R3MIX3D.

We are releasing it on Interscope Nov 20th through the traditional retail outlets. There are three different formats:



iTunes, I assume Amazon's MP3 store (I'm the last to know about these things) and maybe others. This should be priced "regular", whatever that now means.

track listing for these:


1. gunshots by computer: saul williams

2. the great destroyer: modwheelmood

3. my violent heart: pirate robot midget

4. the beginning of the end: ladytron

5. survivalism: saul williams

6. capital g: epworth phones

7. vessel: bill laswell

8. the warning: stefan goodchild featuring doudou n’diaye rose

9. meet your master: the faint

10. god given: stephen morris & gillian gilbert

11. me, i’m not: olof dreijer

12. another version of the truth: kronos & enrique gonzalez müller

13. in this twilight: fennesz

14. zero sum: stephen morris & gillian gilbert




A nice package with three discs. Good quality vinyl, blah blah blah - really it's just cool. The package is a six-panel gatefold vinyl jacket to match Year Zero along with an insert.

track listing for this configuration:


Side 1

1. gunshots by computer: saul williams

2. the great destroyer: modwheelmood

3. my violent heart: pirate robot midget

4. the beginning of the end: ladytron

5. capital g: epworth phones


Side 2

1. the warning: stefan goodchild featuring doudou n’diaye rose

2. meet your master: the faint

3. god given: stephen morris & gillian gilbert

4. vessel [mix 1]: bill laswell


Side 3

1. capital g: switch

2. me, I’m not: olof dreijer


Side 4

1. the good soldier: sam fog

2. vessel [mix 2]: bill laswell


Side 5

1. capital g: ladytron

2. another version of the truth: kronos & enrique gonzalez müller

3. in this twilight: fennesz

4. zero sum: stephen morris & gillian gilbert


(no Side 6)




This costs a bit more than "regular" and contains a CD that has exactly the same track listing as it's DIGITAL DOWNLOAD counterpart (see above). The package is a six-panel digipak to match Year Zero along with an insert. It also contains a DVD ROM (not a movie) that contains every track from Year Zero in multitrack format for you to do with what you please. Mac or PC.


We've included:

Pre-formatted for Apple GarageBand

Pre-formatted for Ableton Live (Mac or PC)

Demo version of Ableton Live (Mac or PC)

Generic WAVE files at 16 bit 44K that can be loaded into any audio editor


I can make this easy for you: if you just want to hear the tracks as cheaply as possible, get it digitally. The highest fidelity will likely be Amazon (through legal means).

If you want something that's aesthetically cool and will enhance any collection, get the vinyl. Trust me, it looks great. The extra tracks are fairly minor embellishments to the whole (and surely someone will upload them instantly).

If you want higher quality tracks legally, a nice package AND a complete multitrack of the whole record, get the physical CD / DVD ROM.


**insert comment from NINSUX: "I thought he said all the multitracks were going to be posted online, now he wants us to PAY for them??"

Relax, friend. One second after this package goes to the manufacturing plant someone will kindly upload those missing multitracks and everything will be OK. If they don't soon enough for your liking, just yell loudly out the window and I'll do it myself.


As for the record itself, I'm very pleased with the way it turned out. Remix records can be disposable garbage (of which I myself have been guilty of to some extent) but this collection feels good to me. I reached out to heroes, friends and strangers. I encouraged those I approached to do anything and insert themselves as much as possible into the track. Some of the stuff that was done earlier led me to choosing other people to balance things out. The Pirate Robot Midget mix is a fan's work - I thought it was great, it filled a need and I asked permission to use it here.

It's always interesting for me to hear my work reinterpreted - I hope it is for you as well.

Upon the release of this, we will be launching the first portion of the new nin.com at


We have been working on this quite a while now and I think you'll like it. It will begin as a home for listening to, sorting through, discussing and uploading remixes the community has made. Hopefully it will be as elegant, useful and fun to use as we envision.




posted by Trent Reznor at 8:01 PM.


da primetio sam da nas ovde neko bas debelo zeza. Prvo je najavio da raspusta bend, a sada cujem da je posle 18god. uspeo da postane samostalan. Videcemo i ta njegova cuda kako zvuce.


Sada bi mogo da nas obidje malo


Majku mu, znaci da ih sigurno necemo gledati uzivo neko vreme... A taman je dobro krenulo sa koncertima - Tool, Muse (nenadano i iznenadjujuce dobar koncert), jos samo NIN i neki od bendova Mike Pattona i ja sam zadovoljan do kraja. Nekako sam se nadao da je sad na redu NIN.

Posted (edited)

covece, kad se samo setim da sam se smejao ortakinji koja je rekla da je sziget bio mozda poslednja prilika da vidimo nin uzivo.



Edited by scdpn
Posted (edited)

Ma da :)


Alo ljudi koliko on god genijalan bio itd...on nije glup nikako (citajte on je i dalje pop zvezda)...bice sve isto kao i pre opustite se..isto je bilo pre with teetha kada je cak postojala i audicija za with teeth na koju je svako mogao da ode...




mada da i mene plashi ono


and would explore other means to perform Nine Inch Nails material on subsequent tours


ali ponovo mi vraca nadu To perform NiN u toj rechenici...

Edited by darthmaul
  • 2 weeks later...
NINE INCH NAILS frontman Trent Reznor is releasing the new album from hip-hop poet Saul Williams as a digital release, letting fans either download it for free or pay five dollars. Titled "The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggyy Tardust", the record will be available for download starting on November 1. Unlike the recent RADIOHEAD download of the band's new "In Rainbows" album, which was done in a similar fashion, fans who pay the five dollars will get a higher quality audio file. Also unlike RADIOHEAD, everyone who downloads the album will get artwork and lyrics. Reznor said in a statement at NIN.com, "There are obvious similarities in how RADIOHEAD just released their new record and they way we've chosen to. After thinking about this way too much, I feel we've improved upon their idea in a few ways that benefit you, the consumer."


Serj Tankian, a friend of Williams', told The Pulse of Radio that he was aware of the new project and supported this kind of distribution. "You know, I think it's a great thing to be able to drive all of the traffic to your own web site and have that direct communication with your fans and friends, rather than going through a third party ultimately," he said. "I think over the next number of years, you're going to see a lot more established artists doing that."

Reznor said he's been working with Williams for a long time on the album, adding, "This is the most involved I've been with any project outside NIN since (MARILYN MANSON's) 'Antichrist Superstar'," for which Reznor contributed songwriting and producing duties.


The album can be pre-ordered now at NiggyTardust.com. The title is a satirical spin on the 1972 DAVID BOWIE album, "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars".


Reznor said about the Williams project, "You obviously will be the judge of this in the end. One thing that is very different in our situation is that Saul's not the household name (yet!) that RADIOHEAD is, and that means we need your support on this more than ever."


Reznor also plans to release NINE INCH NAILS music by himself, possibly online as well, following the recent end of his contract with Interscope Records.



Y34RZ3R0R3MIX3D - Počuj semplove i kupi MP3ce (kako kazu)


Tesko je reci poslije preslusavanja kratkih semplova, ali se stice utisak da je ovaj remix album odradjen u dens fazonu pa oni koji su voljeli experimentisanja na FDTS ili TFA vjerovatno nece bit odusevljeni. Sexy In This Twilight, The Beginning of the End odradjen u fazonu 80tih, God Given spremljen a la Depeche Mode, funky Meet your Master... Ma jedva cekam. :) Kad samo postar opet ne bi kasnio...


PS za Saula nisam jos nasao vremena da detaljno preslusam.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Moja drugarica je skoro bila (po treci put) na njihovom koncertu u Nemackoj, Rock am See. Trent je poceo da peva Hurt (i publika sa njim) i posle 2 stiha neki lik iz publike je povikao Head like a hole, i Trent se iznervirao, bacio klavijature i rekao bendu da sviraju tu pesmu :huh: Ima cak i klip na Youtube-u.


edit: synthetic - hvala za link :pivopije:

Edited by negative creep




Novi problem Trenta Reznora sa starim izdavačem


Ideja Trenta Reznora da pokrene sajt na kom bi fanovi mogli da ostavljaju remikse koji sadrže mastere pesama Nine Inch Nails naišla je na prepreku kada je Universal Music Group, koja poseduje prava na te snimke, odlučila da bi za njih ovaj projekat mogao biti štetan.


Masteri pesama američkog benda i ranije su bili legalno dostupni fanovima, ali je ovoga puta ideja bila da se remiksi prikupljaju na jednom mestu. Problem je, međutim, u sadržajima na koje prava ne poseduje Universal, a koji bi se mogli naći u remiksima.


UMG je, naime, već u sudskom sporu sa Googleom (YouTube) i NewsCorpom (MySpace) zbog neovlašćenog uploadovanja sadržaja koji su vlasništvo UMG-a.


Ako bi sada Universal stao iza sajta na kojem bi se mogli naći i sadržaji u vlasništvu drugih kompanija, na primer u slučaju da neki fan u remiks numere NIN uključi sempl neke pesme objavljene za drugog izdavača, suprotstavljena strana bi u procesu mogla da tvrdi da UMG i sam radi upravo ono zbog čega njih tuži.


Reznoru je stoga predloženo da sam stane iza takvog sajta, ali uz uslov da se fanovi obavežu da neće koristiti neautorizovane materijale.


„Međutim, ako ipak budu, svako će tužiti svakoga i eto smaka sveta“, kaže Reznor u saopštenju objavljenom na zvaničnom sajtu NIN.


Iako kaže da ga ovakav razvoj događaja uznemirava jer smatra da na taj način vlasnici prava pokušavaju da uguše inovacije koje donosi „digitalna revolucija“, Reznor tvrdi kako nije iznenađen jer je već navikao na takve stvari.


„Kul i inovativan sajt je pripremljen ali trenutno se češkamo po glavi pitajući se šta da uradimo“, napisao je Reznor.


Juče objavljeno izdanje Y34RZ3R0R3MIX3D na kojem se nalaze remiksi pesama sa ovogodišnjeg albuma NIN Year Zero, pored radova Ladytrona, Saula Williamsa, Billa Laswella.... sadrži i remiks koji je uradio jedan fan, koji je Reznor našao na Internetu, kao i same mastere Year Zero u multi-track formatu.

  • 5 weeks later...

Ne bi da stvaram svadju, ali Trent je prvi put samostalan i radi ono sto zaista zeli. Nema menadzera i ta sranja da ga samaraju. Bend je i dalje aktiva, sada u kojoj ce novoj postavi da funkcionise videcemo.


Da li je neko slusao digitalnu verziju njegovog zasnjeg albuma na kome se nalaze i remx verzije. Ako jos imate 5.1 sistem i to lepo postavljeno odusevicete se. Prvo sto je disk multimedjalno popracen, dugo muzika je ludnica kako super zuci kada sve kruzi oko vas. Mene je ovaj DVD Audio odusevio.

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