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The Stone - Magla (Folter Records) Review by Crin

Currently the leading horde in Serbian Black Metal and beyond, ouch!! I’m not sure if that eliminates Serbia as a potent Black Metal force or relegates the remaining acts into oblivion.

I stumbled upon this band recently with the, Neke Rane Krvare Vecno’ album, a collection of their early material, and compared to this, well, there is no comparison. The bands early works are far more potent and significant.

The music here is nine years onwards from that release, but it may as well be nine years backwards. There is no passion, no inventiveness and my mind was utterly masticated by half way, leaving the rest of the album to lacerate my thoughts with even more lacklustre

music. After a few days rest, I decided to give the album another spin, to allow any hidden attributes to seep forth from the murky, vapid atmospheres generated by this band.

Choppy guitars, thumping snares, grunting vocals, set to basic arrangements and bonded together by sweeping rhythms and an altogether stringent orthodox approach. With the scene in general producing countless similar acts around the globe, I would suspect The Stone will remain as inconspicuous as they are now. I’ve heard this format regurgitated year after year since it was first fashioned nigh on twenty years ago, and no doubt a teeny metal head, with bald bollocks will cum all over the cover when first introduced to this album, but it doesn’t do it for me.



The Stone - Neke Rane Krvare Vecno (Grom Records) Review by Crin

Serbian Black Thrashing Metal based on Slavic paganism and musically endowed with the classic keyboard era Black Metal bands of the mid-late nineties. Formed in 1996, and already having blasted forth four vitriolic albums, we are greeted here with 8 old tracks recorded in 1999 and 2 from the, Cujete vLi Semeju Se Mrtvi’ Ep. 2004.

If you are Serbian, then this band will need no introductions, if not, and that more than likely means you, then the band are pretty much like most Baltic State Black Metal bands. There is a certain unique edge to the music, call it that Slavic essence if you like.

From their beginning in 1996, this cd exposes the rough and ready sound of a bands


fledgling musical efforts, a brash, in your face Black Metal assault, resplendent with all the clichés your would expect, grizzled vocals, blasting snares and keyboard enhanced chorus parts allowing for varied levels of atmosphere. The songs also reflect the times, and there is not much new, nor invigorating unless you are a hardcore fan of the band.

These Serbian/Slovak and surrounding Baltic territories have a equally tongue twisting language and like the Norwegians, tend to compound the music with unpronounceable titles. Luckily, one growl or guttural rasp sounds like the next in most tongues, a common denominator for extreme metal, the world wide accepted gnarled vocal language or the unwritten grunt vocabulary.




Ma MAGLA je...kidanje lanaca!!!Opasan album!










  • 4 weeks later...

И сам Козељник се зачудио, зато што, како он рече, ретко блек метал бендови тамо добијају толике оцене. 8 је отпр. максимално што дају блекерима.


Ovo nije blek. Lici uistinu na neke Immolation momente, ali nije kopija. Do jaja je album, imas utisak da nisu odavde, konacno je to iskustvo doslo na videlo, red je vise bio da dobiju dobre kritike.

Ovo nije blek. Lici uistinu na neke Immolation momente, ali nije kopija. Do jaja je album, imas utisak da nisu odavde, konacno je to iskustvo doslo na videlo, red je vise bio da dobiju dobre kritike.


slazem se....skoz vuche na neki death...inache album je dobar, cvaka chast :pivopije:


Ено ти Тешког Кретена који тврди да овај албум није блек.

Ено ти Тешког Кретена који тврди да овај албум није блек.



Ja to nisam rekao , jedino ako mislish na ovog iznad mog posta , pre tvog!

tebi je najbolji jer je najmanje black :):):)

Ако то значи да има мање зујања, а више рифова - СВАКАКО!


Срам те било. Заправо, и мени је стајао једно два месеца пре него што сам се наканио да преслушам, али волим кад ме тако лепо изненаде.

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