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muziku, naravno... grave je u pravu za tekstove... jesam li napomenuo da je u novom bv-u odlican intervju koji odradih sa tonyem uzivo? icon_smile.gifpivopije.gif




I see you walking hand in hand with long-haired drummer of the band

In love with her or so it seems, he's dancing with my beauty queen

Don't even dare to say you hi, still swallowing the goodbye

But I know the feelings still alive- still alive






Joj...Pazi ovo:


Stay for a while,

stay forever

Sing for the times you arebound to betray.

Run for your life,

run forever,

your eyes tell a lie

and the liar must always die.


Sto je najlepse,jos traje. icon_rockdevil.gifbiggreens.gif


Haha icon_smile.gif

E Kent, ajde molim te daj Adeptu ako jos ima taj primerak BV koji je na slici, verovatno je zaboravio da mi to donese icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

Rekao sam mu za to, samo je zaboravio verovatno...

[ kesh ces dobiti po njemu dont worry ]

  Kent said:


I see you walking hand in hand with long-haired drummer of the band

In love with her or so it seems, he's dancing with my beauty queen

Don't even dare to say you hi, still swallowing the goodbye

But I know the feelings still alive- still alive





Ej to je moja pesma a i moja zivotna prica ( U jebem ti Midgard ) wallbash.gif


Ajde dajte playlistu...

ja mislim da je bila ova ali nisam siguran.........



Blinded no more

Kingdom for a heart


Victoria`s secret


My land

Black Sheep

The Cage

Don't say a word

Vodka Song


ne secam se rasporeda pesama osim za prve i poslednje dve....

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