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...I can blame for the blue blood that runs in my veins.

But I seem to forget that we are all the same.


In your own blaze of hate you've spawn a fear in many lives

You've taken action thinking it was all said on the signs.

You cannot heal the feeling burning deep inside your spine

You now collapse, cave in revealing scabby marks of life...



Sinoc rece Ghoticni da ima i novi WASP..


ja mu dodjem ko PR....



Anyway ja jos nemam novu Sonatu ali nesto mi se i ne slusa..

Nabavicu pre koncerta tek da vidim o cemu se radi...


Iznenadilo me je na albumu i nema nesto balada... tanijen ema nijedne "Sonatovske" balade...

Album je... pa cudan za sonatu...

Silence ili Eclipticu kada sam cuo, pesme su mi prosto ulazile u usi na prvo slusanje.. ovde to nije slucaj... nekako, su drugacije, cak pomalo lice jedna na drugu, na prvih par slusanja...

Ali nisu lose, My Selene je strava pesma, Dont Say a Word je cool..

Shamadalie ( whatever that is ) je isto cool, to je recimo balada, mada malo cudna....

Koja joj je to riba na avataru?

Ovo je provala veka!!! icon_smile.gif Bez uvrede,ali sta ce ti na ovoj temi kad ne znas ko mi je na avataru.I reckoning night je dobar album,nisam preslusala sve pesme ali vecinu... icon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gif

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