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Pa ja sam probao da je slusham i odustao... Inace ja sam valjda jedan od retkih kojima se prethodni album dopao ali ovaj novi neshto ne ide. Mozda nekad kasnije mu dam vise sanse.


Skinula sam ja, dobices od mene. Mislim da je ovo samo promo. Ocekujem upeglaniji yvuk na albumu, ali kažen, album je prilicno power, ne bih da grešim dušu ako kažem da me čak podseća na italijansku power školu.

Pa ja sam probao da je slusham i odustao... Inace ja sam valjda jedan od retkih kojima se prethodni album dopao ali ovaj novi neshto ne ide. Mozda nekad kasnije mu dam vise sanse.


E kao da sam ja pisao ovo keve mi, album je zestoko sranje uz naravno par dobrih pesmica kao sto su "In Black And White" "For The Sake Of Revenge" i "Under You Tree" ovo ostalo je neka rokacina bez ikakvog smisla...kako mi je krivo ovo nije bend koji je snimio Eclipticu i Silence.A najgore u svemu je sto su im balade glupe skroz a nekada im je to bio zastitni znak.


ipak sam ga skinuo i preslusao... ne znam sta da kazem, nije tako los, ali na momente bas i nije za ponos. prve dve pesme su dobre, onda ide par cudnijih numera, pa opet dosta solidan drugi deo albuma. ne bih da gresim dusu samo posle prvog slusanja, trebace jos vremena za ovo. ali nije tako los

bend ne pokazuje nikakav napredak od albuma do albuma

situacija je obrnuta...kao da je Toni povredio glavu i ostao

na nivou 13godisnjeg decaka.....


Ja jos nisam preslusao novi album ali mislim da je ova konstatacija u potpunosti tacna!


NOVI ALBUM JE DO JAAAAAJAAAAA!!!!!!! Treba ga malo slushati ali je super...svima je odavno jasno da je jedan Silence nedostizhan pa su uradili neshto sasvim drugachije...... jako mi se svidja.......



bend ne pokazuje nikakav napredak od albuma do albuma

situacija je obrnuta...kao da je Toni povredio glavu i ostao

na nivou 13godisnjeg decaka.....

Ne bih se slozhio....pesme su daleko komplexnije i zrelije..... jebote Tommy je na prvom albumu svirao sve isto a ovde ima delova gde se vidi da i on zna da svira..... jedino mozhda Tony preteruje sa ugrubljivanjem glasa no dobro..... ne smeta mi toliko....

Guest widowmaker

ma vi kako hocete ali su ecliptica i silence po meni sonatini najbolji albumi....mislim preslusao sam i ove ostal ali.... :lol:


Ako vas ne mrzi da citate, evo jednog novijeg intervjua:


SONATA ARCTICA Frontman Discusses New Album, Possibility Of Solo CD



Clare B. of the Canada-based metal webzine Sacred Embrace recently conducted an interview with SONATA ARCTICA vocalist Tony Kakko. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:


Sacred Embrace: Have there been any responses yet to the [new SONATA ARCTICA] album ["Unia"]?


Tony Kakko: I haven't seen any responses yet [laughs]. Only from the people who have heard it, from a few interviews, and people have liked it.


Sacred Embrace: And what do you think of it?


Tony Kakko: I love it. For me, it's the best album we've done. And I can say this with clear eyes, without being all weird about it. Of course, it's a cliché to say, but it's so different. It makes me smile, and that's one big thing, and it can make me cry and …people don't understand totally that when you've been working with an album for half a year or so, you are really tired of the music you have there and you don't necessarily want to listen to the album again and again and again. It would be natural for me and this has at least happened with the previous albums; I can listen to it a couple of times after it's been mastered but then I'm like, "Okay, now I can maybe start listening to something else." But this album, it still makes me smile and I want to listen to it.


Sacred Embrace: Aside from the music, the sound quality is very different as well.


Tony Kakko: Quality, yeah. We wanted to make the whole album sound more organic, warmer in a way. It brings out the drums in a way that we wanted to have them and the guitars, basically — the really warm, heavy sound of the guitars. And we tried different kinds of mastering styles and this, what we have now, it's the best.


Sacred Embrace: So you knew that something had to change in the sound?


Tony Kakko: Yeah, well of course, the music was so different that we wanted to change [the sound]. I hadn't always been happy with the complete result, you know, the mastering, how the sound has been, what it sounds [like] in the end. Mastering has made the whole thing sound a bit cold, in a wrong way — of course, we are SONATA ARCTICA, and it should be cold, but [laughs] anyway, you know. It changes too much, in my opinion, from what it sounds like when we record it, to mastering. And this time it didn't happen; it actually sounds even better.


Sacred Embrace: So do you feel like this ["Unia"] is kind of a new start, in a way?


Tony Kakko: Well, yeah. Or — well, I don't know [both laugh]. A refreshing dinner or something [both laugh], because, well, the last two we got really tired with all this straight-forward thing. Like, a couple of the last shows we had in Finland, I was not on this planet anymore. I was thinking of completely different things and I couldn't concentrate anymore. In my books, most of the songs' sound [was] in the same vein, too much, so we wanted to try also some kind of different — something other to than drink. You know, I don't want Henkka to drink too much [during] the shows [laughs]. Now he can't do that, because he's got something else to do, play difficult songs. This is also the health factor [laughs]. I'm just kidding [laughs].


Sacred Embrace: How did your writing process change? It sounds like some things were really intentional, like you wanted it to be weird and you went out and researched dreams, omens and premonitions and stuff. The music is so different that maybe the writing process was different too?


Tony Kakko: Yeah, well I told you already about this "Idols" thing and how I started writing for someone else and not for SONATA ARCTICA, and that was really a liberating feeling. And I thought I could come up with really different ideas and styles and songs, different type of songs with that method. And I never gave it up. I wrote the whole album in the thought that "I'm writing for someone else, not for SONATA ARCTICA." On previous songs I've written like, six, seven songs and then noticed that I'm missing all the double kick songs [laughing] and then I have to write them. So this time I didn't go there, and this is why there is no normal "Blank File", "Wolf and Raven", "Victoria's Secret" songs there. Well, we have kind of a "Victoria's Secret" [laughs], but no "Blank File", anyway. I didn't want to write one because there has to be one. It would have been like cheating myself. Maybe in the future, we can have some on the next album, but on this album I didn't feel like writing [one]. Well, it was [a] natural process, the way they came out. I didn't want to change them too much. In a way, this is like something close to what would be my solo album in a way, maybe. Not sure. I might go even further with my solo thing. It would be more different, of course, because with SONATA ARCTICA, on this album, of course, the guys are playing and are doing their own stuff.


Sacred Embrace: Would you ever do a solo album?


Tony Kakko: Yeah, I have a dream, but at the moment I have other projects, like I told you, that are keeping me busy. I should do some music for the game, the computer game ["Winterhearts' Guild"]. Actually, "The Worlds Forgotten, the Words Forbidden" song, which is on the album, I originally wrote it for the game, but so many people told me, "Isn't it a terrible waste to put one song in only for that game," and then when they told me, the game people, that "This is not exactly what we are looking for," but this would be good in the end of the game when the credits [are rolling], it would be there as background music, and I was like, "Hmm, I'd really like this song." It would have been also that somebody would have cut that song out of the game and it would have been available for everybody on the Internet anyway.


Read the entire interview at SacredEmbrace.com.


Source: Blabbermouth.ne


Svi fanovi Sonate (stari) ima da napljuju album samo tako.. zashto ? Zato sto na ovom albumu NEMA 'Replice', 'Blan File', 'Talullah'... album zvuci istripovanije i progressivnije od "Reckoning Night"a.. shta da kazem, vecini ljudi, pogotovo onima koji su fanovi samo prva 2/3 albuma se ovo nikako nece dopasti.. meni je ovo remek delo, za mene Sonata nema losh album, ali svidja mi se sto su odjebali svoje stare albume, i napravili nesto novo, umesto da kupe slavu na 5 kopija 'Silence'a i 'Ecliptica'e....


Novi album.. za mene 10/10.


Ma meni je Reckoning Night totalno OK a pogotovu stvar Wildfire (npr)... Meni novi ne drži pažnju toliko mada su mi se baš dopale stvari kao što su Caleb, The Vice, My Dream's But A Drop Of Fuel For A Nightmare. Dok ne izađe ratail verzija ne verujem da ću se udubljivati u slšanje...

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