DragonHeart Posted November 9, 2005 Report Posted November 9, 2005 Evo ga omot novog DVD izdanja pod nazivom "The Curse Of Candlemass" Quote
Angelystor Posted November 13, 2005 Report Posted November 13, 2005 Quote-ic sa Destruction foruma o Candlemassovoj set lista sa prve svirke na turneji..: "Black Dwarf, Seven Silver Keys, Assassin Of The Light, Copernicus, Solitude, At The Gallows End, Samarithan, Mirror Mirror, Bearer Of Pain - not in that order!). " Quote
DragonHeart Posted November 13, 2005 Report Posted November 13, 2005 Fina lista mora se priznati. Samaricanin je neizostavan, sto mi je jako drago Quote
DragonHeart Posted November 13, 2005 Report Posted November 13, 2005 Quote-ic sa Destruction foruma o Candlemassovoj set lista sa prve svirke na turneji..: "Black Dwarf, Seven Silver Keys, Assassin Of The Light, Copernicus, Solitude, At The Gallows End, Samarithan, Mirror Mirror, Bearer Of Pain - not in that order!). " Igore, kod nas ce svirati oko 70-ak minuta, sto znaci da ce ta lista pjesama biti duza, a uzitak za sve nas time i veci Quote
Angelystor Posted November 13, 2005 Report Posted November 13, 2005 Ovde ima 9 pesama...dobrih sat bogami...nego...sad tek vidim da nema "Dark Are The Veils Of Death"!!! Quote
DragonHeart Posted November 13, 2005 Report Posted November 13, 2005 Nek' sviraju samo pjesme sa prva 3 albuma, pa ce biti ekstra. Citao sam vrlo pozitivne kritike i za novi album, pa cu morati da ga nabavim Quote
DragonHeart Posted November 15, 2005 Report Posted November 15, 2005 Evo, nabavio sam novi album, i ovih dana cu da ga slusam, pa cu onda iznijeti utiske. Quote
Angelystor Posted November 15, 2005 Report Posted November 15, 2005 01. Mirror mirror 02. Bewitched 03. Solitude 04. Witches 05. Black dwarf 06. Crystal ball 07. Bandvorstellung / Into the unfathomed tower 08. Copernicus 09. At the gallows end 10. Demons gate 11. Dark are the veils of death "Into the unfathomed tower" - fin suprise! Quote
Grobodan Posted November 17, 2005 Report Posted November 17, 2005 For the real fans of Candlemass the band now offers a limited edition tourbook which will be sold for a special price! This 24 page program contains many ultra cool photos from the bands reunion shows – from Sweden Rock to Moscow. Don’t miss this gem!! You will also find nice tour shirts, the new and old DVD, the back catalogue CD’s, everything for discount prices. Skupljajmo novce. Mogao bi da padne jedan Epicus ili Nightfall na originalu... Quote
Angelystor Posted November 17, 2005 Report Posted November 17, 2005 Destruction takodje prodaje 3-4 razlichite majce na gigovima..i ko zna koje josh shitove..uh..stvarno ce morati dobra kinta da se skupi! Let's see..jedna Candlemass i jedna Destruction majca bi mogle da padne..ostalo je optionalno... Quote
DragonHeart Posted November 17, 2005 Report Posted November 17, 2005 Lako je za majice, nego kupi ti diskove Quote
Angelystor Posted November 18, 2005 Report Posted November 18, 2005 Why? anyway..chitam Leifov raport sa turneje i veoma zanimljiva stvar: "Otherwise the tour has been great. All the bands get along superbly and the gigs have been great. Ludwigsburg and Berlin... not so many people as expected but I think CANDLEMASS have done great gigs anyway. We play different sets every night. Each person in the band choses a personal setlist every night. Jan started because he’s first in the alphabet, then Lars, then me, Mappe, and Messiah last. Very democratic. We play all the songs from the new album (not every night of course) and we got all the classics in the song pot as well plus things like 'Demons Gate' and 'Crystal Ball' some nights." Koliko josh to bendova radi? I think not much, hehe... Znachi, ko zna shta sve mozemo da dobijemo! Quote
DragonHeart Posted November 18, 2005 Report Posted November 18, 2005 Pa, Nevermore je na svom sajtu postavio da fanovi odluce koje pjesme zele da cuju na turneji, tako dasu oni pokazali vise demokraticnosti nego Candlemass Quote
Angelystor Posted November 18, 2005 Report Posted November 18, 2005 Hm.da...ali onda su svako veche svirali iste pesme, zar ne? Quote
The Watchtower Posted March 5, 2006 Report Posted March 5, 2006 CANDLEMASS Finish Recording Four New Songs With Producer ANDY SNEAP Swedish doomsters CANDLEMASS have recorded four new songs with producer Andy Sneap (NEVERMORE, ARCH ENEMY, MACHINE HEAD). The recordings took place last weekend at the new Polar studios in Stockholm, Sweden and the band say that they are very happy with the result. “The songs are pretty much in the same vein as the stuff on the [self-titled 2005] reunion album, maybe a bit darker," says bassist/songwriter Leif Edling. CANDLEMASS's next studio session will take place in May. The band's new album is tentatively scheduled for release in October 2006 via Nuclear Blast Records. CANDLEMASS last month won a Swedish "Grammy" award in the "Best Hard Rock" category, beating out the likes of HAMMERFALL, HARDCORE SUPERSTAR, MESHUGGAH and OPETH. The Swedish doom legends were honored for the "Candlemass" opus, which is available on Nuclear Blast Records. Five back-catalog items from the band - "Epicus Doomicus Metallicus", "Ancient Dreams", "Doomed for Live", "Nightfall", and "Essential Doom" - were issued in the U.S. via Candlelight in February Quote
Grobodan Posted March 5, 2006 Report Posted March 5, 2006 Jebo ih Andy...Ne verujem da njima pristaje bas taj upeglani Arch Enemy/Shit Head zvuk,no valjda ce sve da bidne dobro.Posle onakve albumcine prosle godine tesko ce da razocaraju. A u BG nema sanse da dodju ponovo posle onakvog prijema "iskrenih" metalaca. Quote
Odelo Posted March 5, 2006 Report Posted March 5, 2006 Da, katastrofa, posle Destructiona, ostalo je nekih jadnih pedesetak ljudi u dvorani, što je stvarno sramota. Nije za začuditi se, jer ovde deca izgleda još uvek nemaju pojma o doom metalu. Nije ni čudo, budući da su ih Rogošić i slični kljukali glupostima, tako da su jednostavno morali da steknu dojam da je doom tu nešto kao gothic metal ili bar ''neko romantično moldavsko sranje s frulicama, gajdama i ucrnjenim ribama'' . Očekivao sam dosta od ovog njihovog nastupa - ipak je to bio prvi doom metal gig u Srbiji - dosta u smislu da će otvoriti bar neke male šanse da ovde jednog dana dođu i bendovi kao Cathedral, Solitude Aeturnus, Electric Wizard... Naravno, pogotovo tek sad je to sve izgleda 'piši propalo'. Ne znam da li je jednostavno maler ili sitan propust organizatora, ali Candlemass je sigurno trebao da počne svoj nastup PRE Destructiona. Znam da su se na ovoj turneji menjali iz večeri u veče ko će nastupati poslednji, jer je to bila 2 headliner turneja. Mislim da je organizator mogao da napomene tako nešto ako mu je uopšte bilo stalo do nastupa Candlemass-a, mada sumnjam da je on i iko mogao uopšte i da pretpostavi da će na kraju uopšte i doći do toga da jedan bend kalibra kao što je Candlemass ispred stejdža dočeka svega 30 zaluđenika i 20 zbunjenih balvana u prolazu. No, kako god i pored svega, Candlemass je razvalio, Messiah je stvarno lud ali sam jednostavno morao da se osećam malo bedno tokom nastupa budući da nas je bilo šaka jada... A u pitanju nije to 'neko moldavsko sranje s frulicama i histeričnim ribama' već, brate - CANDLEMASS, jedan od najvažnijih bendova metala svih vremena... Quote
Angelystor Posted March 6, 2006 Report Posted March 6, 2006 To shto Andy producira album ne mora da znachi nishta...ochekujem josh jedan dobar album i ako bude barem upola dobar kao "Candlemass" ja cu biti zadovoljan. A sam koncert Cmassa je bio bre neopisiv i stvarno je sramota shto je bilo onako malo ljudi..al meni bilo i lepo i bole me. Quote
...m... Posted March 11, 2006 Report Posted March 11, 2006 istina...stvarno je bilo sramota....ali oni su odradili...odsvirali par pesmica i to je to...istina Messiah-a jeste showmaker ali ja moram da priznam da sam sve u svemu bila razocarana....ali nemam koga da krivim... Quote
Angelystor Posted April 28, 2006 Report Posted April 28, 2006 CANDLEMASS vocalist Messiah Marcolin contacted BLABBERMOUTH.NET today (April 28) to reveal that he has left the Swedish doomsters and that it's 100 percent definite that he will not return. "We could not agree on how to do the new album," he said, but would not further elaborate on his sudden departure. Marcolin spent the early months of 2006 recovering from an infection of the vocal cords and was ordered by his doctor to wait until this summer before resuming singing. CANDLEMASS recorded four new songs with producer Andy Sneap (NEVERMORE, ARCH ENEMY, MACHINE HEAD) in late February at the new Polar studios in Stockholm, Sweden. At the time, the group's bassist/songwriter Leif Edling said of the material, "The songs are pretty much in the same vein as the stuff on the [self-titled 2005] reunion album, maybe a bit darker." K'o grom iz vedra neba. U majcinu sa reunionom kad su jedva 3 godine uspeli da budu zajedno ponovo. Sad bolje da se raspadnu nego da dovedu neki shit od vokala.. Quote
MudriPanj Posted April 28, 2006 Report Posted April 28, 2006 nooou a mozda opet ok ispadne sa novim vokalom Quote
Angelystor Posted April 28, 2006 Report Posted April 28, 2006 Eh..znachi do jaja sto sam uspeo da ih vidim u najjacoj postavi na vreme Quote
Angelystor Posted April 29, 2006 Report Posted April 29, 2006 Edling's official statement on Messiah's "departure" reads as follows: "Messiah's got a severe pre-recording psychosis at the moment. I'm pretty sure he will record his vocals for the new album this summer as planned." Quote
Odelo Posted April 29, 2006 Report Posted April 29, 2006 Eh, taj Blabbermouth Da je Messnati i stvarno napustio Candlemasst, mislim da nikako nije i nezamenljiv. On je OK pevač, ima dosta prodoran glas što treba za svu tu epiku, ali mislim da je realno, pa malo precenjen. Mislim, onaj vibrato efekat koji često koristi ume da bude dosta puta vrlo suvišan i pomalo iritantan. Recimo, i lik koji im je odradio vokale na Epicus-u je za nijansu bolji od Messiaha, a tek Robert iz Solitude Aeturnusa ga definitivno ukopava. Messiah je više nezamenljiv u smislu kao sama figura i frontmen benda. Ali bez brige, dok je živ Shane Embury kao njegova potencijalna zamena no1, Candlemassu se ne nazire skori kraj! Quote
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