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Messiah je više nezamenljiv u smislu kao sama figura i frontmen benda. Ali bez brige, dok je živ Shane Embury kao njegova potencijalna zamena no1, Candlemassu se ne nazire skori kraj! icon_smile.gif

HAHAH Shane u CAndlemass-u icon_smile.gif)) ko braca da su ... icon_smile.gif))))))

Sto se tice tvog prethodnog posta vezano za njihov nastup u Beogradu.

Oni su bili planirani da sviraju pre destruction-a, ali je Destruction trazio manageru da promeni redosled jer su u Rumuniji svirali zadnji i to samo 30-ak minuta. Da ne bi doslo do toga gospoda iz Destruction je trazila da svira prva pred punom salom(ili koliko god je bila popunjena) . Tako da su Messiah-a i ostatak Candlemass-a bas dobro izpizdeli, i kada sam ih pitao sta se desava rekli su da idem da pitam Smicera i kompaniju....




CANDLEMASS Bassist Says Singer MESSIAH Is Suffering From 'Severe Pre-Recording Psychosis'


CANDLEMASS bassist/songwriter Leif Edling has released a statement to BLABBERMOUTH.NET regarding singer Messiah Marcolin's announcement that he was leaving the band.


As previously reported, Marcolin contacted BLABBERMOUTH.NET earlier today (April 28) to reveal that he has parted ways with the Swedish doomsters and that it's 100 percent definite that he will not return. "We could not agree on how to do the new album," he said, but would not further elaborate on his sudden exit.


Edling's official statement on Messiah's "departure" reads as follows:


"Messiah's got a severe pre-recording psychosis at the moment. I'm pretty sure he will record his vocals for the new album this summer as planned."


CANDLEMASS recorded four new songs with producer Andy Sneap (NEVERMORE, ARCH ENEMY, MACHINE HEAD) in late February at the new Polar studios in Stockholm, Sweden. At the time, the group's bassist/songwriter Leif Edling said of the material, "The songs are pretty much in the same vein as the stuff on the [self-titled 2005] reunion album, maybe a bit darker."


CANDLEMASS won a Swedish "Grammy" award in February in the "Best Hard Rock" category, beating out the likes of HAMMERFALL, HARDCORE SUPERSTAR, MESHUGGAH and OPETH. The Swedish doom legends were honored for the "Candlemass" opus, which is available on Nuclear Blast Records. Five back-catalog items from the band — "Epicus Doomicus Metallicus", "Ancient Dreams", "Doomed for Live", "Nightfall", and "Essential Doom" — were issued in the U.S. via Candlelight in February.


Zaista mi nije jasno sta se desava....sigurno pokusavaju da zataskaju stvar icon_da.gif

HAHAH Shane u CAndlemass-u icon_smile.gif)) ko braca da su ... icon_smile.gif))))))

Sto se tice tvog prethodnog posta vezano za njihov nastup u Beogradu.

Oni su bili planirani da sviraju pre destruction-a, ali je Destruction trazio manageru da promeni redosled jer su u Rumuniji svirali zadnji i to samo 30-ak minuta. Da ne bi doslo do toga gospoda iz Destruction je trazila da svira prva pred punom salom(ili koliko god je bila popunjena) . Tako da su Messiah-a i ostatak Candlemass-a bas dobro izpizdeli, i kada sam ih pitao sta se desava rekli su da idem da pitam Smicera i kompaniju....



Destruction me je oduvek pomalo iritirao, ovo njihovo balvanstvo mi dođe ko kec na 11 da krenem da ih i mrzim! Šalim se, naravno. icon_smile.gif

Nego, uzeo sam baš pre par dana novi Nocturne i baš to pročitao u tvom raportu sa certa. Koliko sam čitao u prolazu i neke utiske po nekim stranim forumima vezane za tu turneju, svi manje više spominju to ispraznjivanje sala između dva benda. I jebiga, to znači da im je ta turneja bila lepo zamišljena ali znajući koliko su doom i thrash teški za uklopiti, oni sami su mogli malo bolje da se dogovore u vezi toga ko nastupa posle koga pa da tu turneju i sprovedu kako treba. A realno je najbolje da je Candlemass nastupao pre Destructiona, a jedna predgrupa im je recimo bila sasvim dovoljna. No, jebiga, sami su krivi... Bitno da se u Srbiji kako tako desio prvi doom metal nastup. Svaka čast vama za organizaciju! icon_da.gif




Hvala na svemu !

Ali je problem sto je Candlemass OSNIVAC Doom Metal-a , i meni najbolji doom bend ikada! Ali koliko bi ljudi doslo da su samo oni svirali 150.max ! To je bruka u celoj prici, sto ovde ljudi ne znaju prave vrednosti. Mnogo kasnimo za svetom kod nas se i dalje slusaju samo Maideni i Metallica, nije mi jasno kako im ne dosadi da slusaju samo ta dva benda. Ja bre sam imao sklonost ka otkrivanju novih bendova, jer postoji mnogo toga boljeg... Ali to je tema za neki drugi forum itd.


Da je Messnati i stvarno napustio Candlemasst, mislim da nikako nije i nezamenljiv. On je OK pevač, ima dosta prodoran glas što treba za svu tu epiku, ali mislim da je realno, pa malo precenjen. Mislim, onaj vibrato efekat koji često koristi ume da bude dosta puta vrlo suvišan i pomalo iritantan. Recimo, i lik koji im je odradio vokale na Epicus-u je za nijansu bolji od Messiaha, a tek Robert iz Solitude Aeturnusa ga definitivno ukopava.


Messiah je više nezamenljiv u smislu kao sama figura i frontmen benda. Ali bez brige, dok je živ Shane Embury kao njegova potencijalna zamena no1, Candlemassu se ne nazire skori kraj! icon_smile.gif

Kao frontman je IMHO nezamenljiv, i to sam se uverio u decembru. Odlichan je na sceni, harizmatichan, i bash ono shto tebe iritira kod njegovog glasa, meni se svidja icon_da.gif


Leif je mozda mastermind benda, ali je Messiah dusha benda


E sad..lik sa EDM je mooozda i bolji pevach..IMHo ne postoji bolja verzija Sorcerera nego sa EDM icon_rockdevil.gif




Swedish doomsters CANDLEMASS have posted a new message

on their official web site regarding singer Messiah

Marcolin's announcement that he was leaving the band.


As previously reported, Marcolin contacted

BLABBERMOUTH.NET on Friday (April 28) to reveal that

he has parted ways with the group and that it's 100

percent definite that he will not return. "We could

not agree on how to do the new album," he said, but

would not further elaborate on his sudden exit.


The latest message on CANDLEMASS' web site (dated

April 30) reads as follows:


"Messiah's got a severe pre-recording psychosis at the

moment, so folks, please calm down. The band is

confident that he will sing on the album as planned.

CANDLEMASS will enter the new Polar Studios [in

Stockholm] in May to record the follow up to last

year's successful 'Candlemass'. The new album will

feature nine tracks but is yet untitled. The band

produces themselves."


CANDLEMASS recorded four new songs with producer Andy


February at the new Polar studios in Stockholm,

Sweden. At the time, the group's bassist/songwriter

Leif Edling said of the material, "The songs are

pretty much in the same vein as the stuff on the

[self-titled 2005] reunion album, maybe a bit darker."


CANDLEMASS won a Swedish "Grammy" award in February in

the "Best Hard Rock" category, beating out the likes


OPETH. The Swedish doom legends were honored for the

"Candlemass" opus, which is available on Nuclear Blast

Records. Five back-catalog items from the band -

"Epicus Doomicus Metallicus", "Ancient Dreams",

"Doomed for Live", "Nightfall", and "Essential Doom" -

were issued in the U.S. via Candlelight in February.




  • 3 weeks later...

Legendary Swedish doomsters CANDLEMASS have posted the following message on their official web site:


"Hello doomlovers!! Not everything is clouded in the C-MASS camp. The band is currently recording the new album with full force, again in Stockholm's Polar Studios — the new place. Ten killer doom metal tracks are being put on tape (actually computer) right now. Leif [Edling, bassist/main songwriter] has just finished his bass overdubs and now it is Lars [Johansson, guitar] turn to add his magic to the growing CANDLEMASS pallet of doom. Rhythm guitars, solos, harmony guitars — maybe three days in total. By Sunday the basic tracks shall be finished. Then — in a smaller (and cheaper) studio — some keyboards, rough mixes, maybe more guitar overdubs, to make the eighth CANDLEMASS studio recording as good as possible. And folks, it's a concept album. It is about the road to ruin in the modern society. Death, destruction and suicide = pure doom!!! If Messiah [Marcolin] will sing on the album? The band certainly hope so!"


  • 2 weeks later...

Leif je mozda mastermind benda, ali je Messiah dusha benda


E sad..lik sa EDM je mooozda i bolji pevach..IMHo ne postoji bolja verzija Sorcerera nego sa EDM icon_rockdevil.gif




Messiah - :Bow Down:






Konacno sam nabavio sve od njih...trenutno slusam "Tales of Creation" i koliko mi se za sada cini album je fenomenalan...za sada nema nijedne pesme koja mi se ne svidja...

Starbreakeru jebote pa ja sam to isto postavio na proshloj strani, post pre tebe

Promaklo mi,heh , znas oce to sa godinama icon_smile.gif

Konacno sam nabavio sve od njih...trenutno slusam "Tales of Creation" i koliko mi se za sada cini album je fenomenalan...za sada nema nijedne pesme koja mi se ne svidja...

I tako ce ostati do kraja. icon_wink.gif

Posted (edited)

Utisnut si? ph34r.gif


Ali kad su svi oni slatki mali oboavateljcici Destructiona shvatili da ce Candlemass svirati posle dragog im benda... mhihi.gif


Messiah je dusa benda, to stoji. Mada, istini za volju, malo mu je pukao glas...

Edited by Three Tears
  • 4 weeks later...
Auf nabavio sam Candlemass iz 2005 i kao sto rekoh opet sam utisnut...


The Black Dwarf!



Meni je ta pesma bila prokleti vrhunac Cmass nastupa u BGu..tako energichna pesma, a i Messiah je do jaja kad glumi patuljka icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif




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