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nisam u tom fazonu, za mene je ovo najjaci tekst:


What Once Was


Between the bushes we stared

At those who reminded us of another age

And told that hope was away


We heard elvensong and

Water that trickled

What once was is now


All the blood…

All the longing and pain that


Are away…


We are not dead…

We have never lived




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a za mene je najbolji vargov:




This is War

I Lie Wounded on Wintery Ground

With Hundred of Corpses around

Many Wounded Crawl Helplessly around

On the Blood Red Snowy Ground


Cries of the (ha, ha) Suffering Sound

Cries for Help to All Their Dear Moms


Many Hours of Music

Many Drops of Blood

Many Shiverings and Now I Am Dead

And Still We Must Never Give up

War . . .


i dopadaju mi se uglavnom svi burzum textovi koje razumem(na engleskom)... icon_da.gif

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Jesus' Death


A figure laid on the ground

So malicious, that the flowers around him withered

A dark soul laid on the ground

So cold, that all water changed into ice

A shadow fell over the woods

As the figure's soul withered towards it

Because the figure's soul was a shadow

A shadow of the forces of evil




Tour Around The Transcendental Columns Of Singularity



"The well of the region is no longer a dark depth, in which we stare, but a living stream, that fertilely flows through the lands of the North. Yes, to the highest visions of essence, this life can now elevate itself into development of it's true power and particularity, elevated to the father of all, who is up high in Valhalla, to him, the true god..."

(Johan Sebastian Cammermeyer Welhaven)




Ostalo je na engleskom...

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Dauði Baldrs



And the beginning of this story is that Baldr the good dreamed great dreams boding peril to his life. And when he told the Aesir of the dreams they took council together and it was decided to request immunity for Baldr from all kinds of danger, and Frigg received solemn promises so that Baldr should not be harmed by fire and water, iron and all kinds of metal, stones, the earth, trees, diseases, the animals, birds, poisons, snakes. And when this was done and confirmed it then became entertainment for Baldr and the Aesir that he should stand up at assemblies and all others should shoot at him or strike him or throw stones at him. But whatever they did he remained unharmed, and they all thought this a great glory. But when Loki Laufeyiarson saw this he was not pleased that Baldr war unharmed. He went to Fensalir to Frigg and changed his appearance to that of a woman. Then Frigg asked this woman if she knew what the Aesir were doing at the assembly. She said that everyone was shooting at Baldr, and moreover that he was unarmed. Then said Frigg: "Weapons and wood will not hurt Baldr. I have received oaths from them all." Then the woman asked: "Have all things sworn oaths not to hurt Baldr?" Then Frigg replied: "There grows a shoot of a tree to the west of Val-hall. It is called mistletoe. It seemed young to me to demand an oath from." Straight away the woman disappeared. And Loki the mistletoe and went to the assembly. Hod was standing at the edge of the circle of people, for he was blind. Then Loki said to him: "Why are you not shooting at Baldr?" He replied: "Because I cannot see where Baldr is and I have no weapon." Then said Loki: "Follow other people's example and do Baldr much honour. I will direct you to where he is standing and you can shoot at him with this stick." Hod took the mistletoe and shot at Baldr in Loki's direction. The missile flew through him and he fell dead to the ground. And this was the unluckiest deed done among the gods and men. When Baldr had fallen all of the Aesir's tongues failed them as did their hands from lifting him up. And they all looked at each other and were all one mind toward the one who had done the deed. But none could take vengeance as Val-hall was a place of sanctuary. When the Aesir tried to speak, they were weeping so hard that no words came out. Son none could tell could tell another in words of his grief. But it was Odin who took this injury the hardest of all in that he had the best idea as to the amount of deprivation and loss the death of Baldr would cause the Aesir. When the gods came to themselves once more, Frigg spoke and asked who wished to earn all her love and favour and was willing to ride the rode to Hel and seek Baldr and to offer Hel a ransom for Baldr to return to Asgard. Hermod the bold, Odins boy the name of the one who undertook the journey. Then Odins horse, Sleipnir was fetched and led forward. Hemod then mounted the horse and galloped away.



Hermoðr Á Helferð



But there is this to tell of Hermod, that he rode for nine nights through valleys so dark and deep that he saw nothing until he came to the river Gioll and rode onto the Gioll bridge that is covered with glowing gold. There is a maiden guarding the bridge called Modgud. She asked him his name and lineage and said that the other day there had been five battalions of dead men that had ridden over the bridge. "But the bridge resounds no less under you, and you do not have the colour of dead men. Why are you riding here on the road to Hel". He replied: "I am to ride to Hel to seek Baldr. Have you seen anything of Baldr on the road to Hel?" And she said that Baldr had ridden there over the Gioll bridge. But downwards and northwards lies the rode to Hel. Then Hermod rode on until he came unto Hel's gates. When he reached the gates of Hel he dismounted from his horse and tightened its girth, mounted and spurred it on. The horse then jumped over the gate and Hermod rode on to the hall and went in. When he went into the hall he saw sitting in the seat of honour his brother, Baldr.



Bálferð Baldrs



So the Aesir took Baldr body and carried it to the sea. Hringorni was the name of Baldr's ship. It was the biggest of all ships. The Aesir planned to set it out to sea with Baldr aboard for this final journey. But the ship refused to move. So they went to giantland to seek the princess Hyrrokin. When she arrived, riding a wolf and using Vipers as reins she dismounted the steed and Odin summoned four berserks to look after the steed but they were unable to hold without knocking it down. Then Hyrrokin went to the prow of the boat and pushed it out with the first touch so that flames flew from the rollers and all the lands quaked. Then Thor got angry and grasped his hammer and was about to her head until the gods begged for her grace. Then Baldr's body was carried out onto the ship, when his wife Nanna, Nep's daughter saw this she collapsed with grief and died. She was then carried onto the pyre and it was then set alight. Thor then consecrated the pyre with Miollnir, but a certain dwarf named Lit ran in front of his feet. Thor kicked at him with his foot, thrust him into the fire and he was burned.



Í Heimr Heljar



In the morning Hermod begged from Hel that Baldr might ride home with him and told of the great weeping amongst the Aesir. However, Hel said that she must be certain that Baldr was this loved amongst the people. She said in the following way: "And if all living things in the world, dead and alive, weep for him, then he shall go back to Asgard. But he shall be kept in Hel if anything refuses to weep". Then Hermod got up and Baldr went with him out of the hall and took the ring Draupnir which he sent to Odin as a keepsake, he sent Nanna and Frigg a linen robe, and other gifts also; to Fulla a finger-ring."



Illa Tiðandi



Then Hermod rode back to Asgard and told of all the tidings he had seen and heard. After this, the Aesir sent messages all over the world of the request that Baldr must be wept out of Hel. All did this; the people and animals, the earth, the stones, the trees and every kind of metal. Just as you will have seen when you se these things come out of frost and into heat. When the envoys were travelling back having well fulfilled their errand, they found in a certain cave a giantess sitting. She said that her name was Thanks. They bade her weep Baldr out of Hel. She said: "Thanks will weep dry tears for Baldr burial. No good got I from the old one's son either dead or alive. Let Hel hold what she has It is presumed that these were the words of Loki Laufeyiarson, who had done great evil amongst the Aesir".



Móti Ragnarokum


Thus it is related in Voluspaoud blows Heimdall, his horn aloft.

Odin speaks with Mim's head.

The ash Yggdrasil shakes as it stands,

The ancient tree groansnd the giant gets free.

What is it with the Aesir?

What is it with the Elves?

All giantland resounds.

The Aesir are in council

Dwarves groan before rock doorways

Frequenters of rock - walls.

Know you yet of what?

Hyrm drives from the east

Holding his shield before him,

Iormungand writhes in giant rage

The serpent churns the waves

The eagles screech with joy

Darkly pale, it tears corpses

Naglfar is loose bark sails from the east

Across the sea will comeuspell's troops with Loki at helm

All that monstrous brood

Are there with the wolf

In company with them is Byleist's brother.

Surt travels from the south

With the stick destroyer (fire)

Shines from his sword the sun

Of the gods of the slainock cliffs crash

And troll-wives are abroad

Heroes tread the road of Hel

And heaven splitshen Hlin's second sorrow

Comes to pass

As Odin goes to fight the wolf

And Beli's bright slayer against Surt

There shall fall Frigg's delightdin's son goes to fight the wolf

Vidar on his way

Against the slaughterous beast

With his hand he lets his blade pierce

The son of Hverdungs heart

So his father is avengedoes the great son of Hlodyn

Dying to the serpent who shrinks from no shame

And all the heroes shall then leave the world

When Midgard's protector strikes his wrath!

The sun will go dark

Earth sink in the sea

From heavenanish bright stars Steam surges

And life's fires flame

Flickers against the very sky.

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  • 3 months later...

Emperor- Curse you all men



Curse you, all men

Whose coil is strong.

I recognise the sparrows heart

Beneath the theatre of misery.

Disbelivers shalt by dawn

Be forced to forever mourn.


Curse you, all men

That resent my empire.

Cause I have risen again,

At war this time.


The truth I speak is your decease.

My word is your defeat.


And thou shalt not

Be able to hide anymore.

The prophecy will conquer at last

Your sense of reality.


With mission to kill,

The theatre of misery.


He has risen again,

Armed with the source of sin.

And as humans shalt fade,

He shalt inherit their strength.

Men of the damned,

You will reluctantly

Secure His eternal victory.


Curse you, all men

Whose coil is strong.

I recognise the sparrows heart

Beneath the theatre of misery.

Disbelivers shalt by dawn

Be forced to forever mourn.


The truth I speak is your decease.

My word is your defeat.


Yes, you are indeed the few.

I am the one.



Btw starbraeker sto i ti lepo ne ucestvujes nego tu kvaris zabavu? icon_smile.gif

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Again I entreat thee, dazzling one,

To once again embellish this quenchless soul

Redeeming curse, painful splendour impregnate

The light of utmost purity

Light to see


For blind are you who deny the luminous holiness of an immaculate soul,

And blind are you who see mercy as a key

Mercy denied, you shall never see again

Light! ...Perditions light!

Arise now O puissant angel of our glaring doom




For blind are you

Denier of the radiant splendour in death

And blind are you who dream of salvation through sin

Sleep forever, but you shall never dream again

Light! ...Perdition's light!

Emerge now O strict angel of our glaring dawn...






(Perditions light, album Salvation)


Da ne zaboravim dodati i DsO

Edited by ~Abigail~

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Pa sta ces kad i jedino Varg sve to ozbiljno shvata...

Nije jedini.Upoznao sam dosta ljudi, sto preko neta a sto uzivo koji dele isto misljenje.


A tekstovi poput What Once Was su, po meni, nesto najbolje.


Varg se ne trudi da bude zao i brutalan u tekstovima kao sto rade ostali pa se samo ponavljaju.


Tuistos Herz (Tuisto's Heart)


On the slope of a naked rock somewhere in Ska?inawjo - the isles

of Ska?is - a blonde, fur-clad man immortalises his memory of

Mannus, the oldest Ing. A large manlike shape is engraved in the

rock; bloodred in colour, with a large phallus.

His hands are stretching toward the sky. Mannus, the son of

Tuisto, made sure his tribe survived the cold north together with

his sons; Inguz, Herminuz and Istwo. Tuisto's heart is warmed by

the sight of his descendants; he knows the gods are not

forgotten. Then - he reasons - there is hope after all, for the

coming generations.



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