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Pa sta ces kad i jedino Varg sve to ozbiljno shvata...

U kojoj to galaksiji?


Sto volim ispade tipa 'Varg je jedini iskren i jedini pravi muziku iz duse, jedini pise iskrene tekstove'.


ma da, i ne pise textove na klozetskoj solji...


ahhhh, ti neeeces da izzadjes, aa? ...the barbeque has just begun... crush - crush deathcrush... ah, jos malo ...a sudden crack as I crushed your skull.... arrrggh.....your lungs gasp for air but are filled with blood.....aaahhh...

blood ...fire ....torture ...pain ...KILL mhihi.gif


Marduk-Sulphur Souls


Praise hail Satan


Our wrath is about to be unleashed

Upon you - oh lord of goodness

For so long we have waited and believe us

The future will be a vast black memory on your grave



From our synagogue of Satan

We say to you

Black metal warriors of northern lands

Lift your swords up high

Let us praise

The horned one

The lord of the sulphur souls


The city walls of Babylon

Are now decorated with the bodies of your

Weak followers

Here they hang begging for our mercy

With a symbol of your teachings

We can't do nothing but hate



From our synagogue of Satan

We say to you

Do never lower your heads in awe

For a god so good and mild

Let us praise the one with black horns



Woe to you oh falling god

See how we scorn your work and worshippers

See how they hang in shameful nakedness

On the bloodstained walls of Babylon


The white sun bites us

But why be afraid

The bright morning star has turned black

Your empire is ruined oh god of life and light

And I am your Judas







Pa sta ces kad i jedino Varg sve to ozbiljno shvata...

Varg to ozbiljno shvata zato sto Black metal za njega nije zajebancija kao recimo...za danyja, koji lupa gluposti o vampirima i kojekakvim droljama.

Stari textovi od cradla su OK ali noviji pukeface.gifpukeface.gifpukeface.gifpukeface.gif


Sve od (black) Bathory-a

Ragnarok - Nocturnal Sphere

CoF - Suicide And Other Comforts

Gorgoroth - A World To Win

Dark Funeral - Bloodfrozen

Marduk - Blessed Unholy

Emperor - Empty

Summoning - Like Some Snow-White Marble Eyes


Mozda i nisu bas najbolji, aji ih puuuno vojim

Posted (edited)

Varg to ozbiljno shvata zato sto Black metal za njega nije zajebancija kao recimo...za danyja, koji lupa gluposti o vampirima i kojekakvim droljama.

Stari textovi od cradla su OK ali noviji pukeface.gif  pukeface.gif  pukeface.gif  pukeface.gif

Pa dobro Danija zanimaju ''takve gluposti'' i on ce da pise o tome...

Edited by Black desire
Btw starbraeker sto i ti lepo ne ucestvujes nego tu kvaris zabavu? icon_smile.gif

Ah..pa necu hvala...rekao bih da je najbolji tekst neki instrumental ali to bi bilo suvise zlokobno zar ne icon_twisted.gif


U kojoj to galaksiji?


Sto volim ispade tipa 'Varg je jedini iskren i jedini pravi muziku iz duse, jedini pise iskrene tekstove'.

Uhmm...ocigledno je bio sarkastican...na neki njegov unikatan nacin icon_smile.gif


Limbonic Art-Moon In The Scropio


A mirror blank ocean above me decoy

Superior forces that heal or destroy

Take me astray into the moonlight above

Through twilight eyes as a spectre shadow


It is a time of great light

And a great darkness

Can't you feel the present

Of its phenomenon


In an atmosphere supreme

Forces dwells in domancy

The essence of its spirit is evil

As a curse upon thy name


Midnight is the shepherd of mystrious powers

And moving shadows in the corner of the eye

Moon's blazing intuition

Contains what death require


Cleanse the doors of perception

See things appear in its true art

The cold hands of divinity

Will tear thy soul apart


Behold the sky above when the moon is in the Scorpio

A cold bleak light





Uuu, neke saljivdzije. icon_rolleyes.gif


Edi Marfi, Dzim Keri, Black Desire i Death_Cult_Legion. Mozda ubacimo i Rovana Etkinsona, ali nije on vas kalibar. icon_da.gif


Ma pusti ih, to su deca koja se pale na vampire i misle da je Midian jedan od najboljih black metal albuma. icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

Neki jednostavno ne mogu da vide( cuju) dalje od ciste produkcije.

Ma jok, ne fali dobroj produkciji nista, nego ova dvojca su jednostavno glupi i dosadni.

Fazon je sto nemam ni ja protiv dobre produkcije, ali ona ne definise muziku, kako oni tvrde.


ali zato definise iskrenost.citajuci tvoje postove ne bi me iznenadilo da vise volis varga nego svoje roditelje.Samo vas par ste ovde najpametniji a ostali su niza klasa,u vasim ocima.pa i nije bas tako.a to sto ja volim cradle ne znaci da se palim na vampire,glupog li komentara.ja smaram vas i vi mene smarate sa tim troo fazonima o iskrenosti i slicnim sranjima.


Vidis da nemas pojma.Sad treba da ti objasnjavam kako ga ne cenim vise od roditelja?




Mani se prica o visim i nizim klasama i o podeli na tr00 i pozere..niko to ne spominje( barem ja), samo kazem, a to je cinjenica, da se Burzum i CoF ne mogu porediti ni na kakvom planu, iako ovi imaju najcistiju produkciju to ih ne cini kvalitetnim bendom.Njihova muzika je pogodna za novopecene metalce koji zele da se prave zli i misticni.Ne govorim o tebi vec o desetini primera iz svog zivota..kada pogledas te likove shvatis da je sve to isprazno, detinjasto, cista zajebancija. icon_da.gif i sve je to ok dok ne pocnu da se prave pametni i krenu da seru po bendovima koji za njih nisu Black jer "sviraju po loncima".To je debilizam.Neka slusa ko sta hoce ali neki red treba da se zna.


Nije u tome stvar. Ti konstanto mlataras ovde sprdajuci se na racun nekih bendova koji su definisali BM, bez obzira koliko dugo slusao metal. I sa time se ne hvali, 'leba ti, bar ne kad muvas zensku. icon_smile.gif Meni licno seva za bilo kakvom raspravom na te teme kao i za tvojim muzickim izborom (koji nije bas za pohvalu, btw). Ziv bio.


Evo savrsenstva.... icon_rockdevil.gif



Funeral in Carpathia


Candelabra snuffed prey - silhouette wedded

Nightfall take my hand

Seduce me with silky timbred limbs

Grant me thy dark command

Over the peaks framing tapestries

Of thick forest, dusk has filled

With Lucifugous kisses enwreathed in mist

Creeping like violations from the shadows

to kill


is my love in vein

When thy tears bleed sweeter

Thank the midsummer rain?

Bewinged, infested belfries

Toll o'er the sobbing throng

A writhe of lethargic, terrored nudes

Whipped and welted neath the barbed windsong....

(in saddean paradise

Ancestral legacies linger on....)

I am He

The crowned and conquering darkness

Satan robed in ecumenical filth

Livid Bacchus sustained by bridal echelons of sylph

This wintry eve when the snow glistens deep

And sharpened turrets wed the jewelless skies

I shrug off the shroud of preternatural sleep

Enbroided by these words Malaresia scribed....

"Beauty slept and angels wept

For Her immortal soul

In this response, all evil chose

To claim her for their very own"


The pleasured dead speak of her

In necromantic tongue

When ambered daylights are done

Masterbating in their graves

On her zenith to come....

This catafalque night when awed stars report

Their absence from the heavenly brow

Crippled seraph shalt cower in illustrious courts

Whilsts the cloaked maelstrom resounds throughout

"How the storm it fulfills

My heart though unhealed

Celestial knifes ebonied

And wild woods thrill

Yet far fiercer still

Her lustre eviscerates me"


Priapic lovers twist in concert with Her

Covenants are struck, jagged lightning fellates

The path towards the castle weary innocence takes

I rule as Master here

Where feral hordes impart my temper

Love sank wounded when I, betrayed

saw death etch cruelly, upon my lineage

"Usher the spite seething Draconist

And commit this world to thy ancient


Erunescent veil descend

Psalmed sunset thus portends

And laid to rest, I now am blessed

With this darkness.... Forever more

Supreme Vampiric Evil

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