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ma šalju..




ali ne može sa visa electron.. poslali im neki likovi sa foruma 100 mailova da poprave to, i još uvek ništa..

ja sam hteo singl i ltd. album.


ako imaš master ili visa..... ja nemam.

Ma shto jednostavno ne poshaljesh pismom kesh?

Jebo mater,ja tako kupujem od 2000te i nikada me niko nije zajebao....dodushe uzimao sam samo od N.Blasta,Spinefarm-a i EMP-a,ali kapiram da je ipak to Evropa,poshteni ljudi i te fore...inache shto se tiche nashe poshte ne diraju oni to shto se shalje za inostranstvo....mislim,kome bi palo na pamet da neko shalje pare iz ove zemlje? icon_uhoh.gif

ma naručio sam sad album preko amazon uk


ali nema singla...


nema šanse da šaljem pare kovertom.

Koliko te kostalo to zadovoljstvo?


Ja sam zvao Mordor da vidim da li ce dobiti album...nemaju pojma jos nista.


i meni se cini da nema obrve, singl je odlican sve cetiri pesme mi se svidjaju veoma je dobra opium dub verzija My twin.Ovim singlom su me definitivno ubedli da kupim original novi album tako da cu ga naruciti preko neta


Jonas izgleda kao glumac koji predstavlja Grimu Crvjezika u triologiji Gospodara Prstenova

dakle izgleda kao on, samo sa leukemijom ili opasnim zatvorom icon_smile.gif


spot nije nishta posebno...

za razliku od pesme

Posted (edited)

Koje sam ja srece, prije neki dan (zbog preporuke Vampira) odem ti

do muzickog shop-a, i ladno na odjelu za clearance ti nabasam na ''The Black Sessions'' 3 diska - the ultimate collection of Katatonia from '98 till '04 god. + 16 tracks live dvd... sve to za $10 biggreens.gif


eddit: ''Katatonia shows more talent and sheer musical inventiveness than most bands will ever display in their entire careers''

Edited by Vicky
Evo skidam i ja, ali sumnjam da je retail, vjerovatno neko cutovao djelove gdje je voice over.Sumnjam da je ova ruskinja prva zbavila retail...

Nemoj tako .... Rusi su prvi otisli i u svemir laugh.gif

kao sto sam i predpostavio, samo cutovan dio sa voiceoverom, zbog cega su i pjesme krace.Nista prije retaila!!!!!!! Ne vjeruj rusima...

Pa jes .. kod njih su greske uvek moguce .. zato su poslali u svemir prvo psa, za svaki slucaj icon_smile.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

Terrorizer recenzija:


Katatonia: 'The Great Cold Distance'.



"The first Katatonia rock song-orientated album was 1999's 'Tonight's Decision' (1998's 'Discouraged Ones offered a lot more melody but was still a glorious collection of majestic hypno-riffs). Katatonia have managed to steadily maintain high-quality altitude and a taste of what makes them so unique and great - their epic melancholy sound trademarked by entangling morose riff waves and Jonas Renkse's vocal range, spanning softly mournful to emotionally soaring. They've yet to release a shite album, and the evolution from 'Tonight's Decision' to 2001's 'Last Fair Deal Gone Down' to 2003's Viva Emptiness' seemed like a slow but steady descent towards magnum opus.

'The Great Cold Distance' in full metal shimmering glory, with yet another shiver-inducing, advancing, elaborately ornamented riff temple. Irresistible. Yet, and this is not the first time, the album looses tension half way through, picking back up on track nine: 'July'. A retrospective inspection reveals that 'Discouraged Ones' is still the last Katatonai album to feel even and complete and to be listened to repeatedly, from start to finish, throughout the whole year of its release. Then it was down to individual songs 'Tonight's Decision's opener 'For My Demons' and 'Ghost Of The Sun' and 'Evidence' off 'Viva Emptiness'. All three immediately gripping. There's no such song on 'The Great Cold Distance', the first latter-day album not to better its predecessor.

Make no mistake - this is a great album, yet one cannot escape a sense of halting in the evolutionary process, a digging into a formula. With 1996's masterpice 'Brave Murder Day' Katatonia have created a moment of grace and singularity in metal. Their burden, then, is our egoistic hope that they will do it again. We know enough about band's dynamics to hope not for 'Brave Murder Day Pt II' but for a band making peace with it's past, picking up again an ancient, forgotten, shattered sword (band members?) and re-writing it to be used in the present. Balancing rock songs with experimental riff mantras, giving those riffcantations a contemporary production, writing more hooks, adding Middle Eastern female vocals... we can dream can't we?"

7.5/10. AVI PITCHON.




Ne slazem se sa nekim stvarima, ali dobra je recenzija, nema sta. Tvoja je, ipak, bolja. biggrin.gif


Posle y slusanja TGD i x slusanja VE (x>>y), mogu reci:






Viva Emptiness nije padala nigde, a TGCD pada u sredini, kao sto rece ovaj tip gore. Moguce da bi bolji raspored resio taj problem, jer je od My Twin do July zaista mala stagnacija. Nemam pojma, tesko mi je da objasnim. To je to, pesme su na slicnom nivou, ali je VE bila bas nesto novo. U principu nisam ni ocekivao da TGCD donese nesto bog_zna_sta, ali sam ocekivao malo veci broj dobrih pesama, iako su Deliberation & In The White verovatno njihove najbolje pesme do sada.


pa lik je bio u pravu sto se tice July ta pesma je stvarno vrh kao sto sam i ja napisao u recenziji jeste da malo pada ta atmosfera ali opet tesko je nadmasiti Viva Emptiness mozda je July njihova najbolja pesma ali otkud znam dobre su i te pesme sto si ti spomenuo

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