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  • 2 weeks later...

jedan fan benda je dao interesantnu opservaciju da je Viva Emptiness konceptualan album:


ghost of the sun: him trying to fit into the corporation and the way the city works.

Sleeper: There are 3 children most likely and their parents have died. This song is their fear of being left alone. I think the youngest the sister (which might be the little girl on the cover) dies of a fever. Or this is an event that takes place later in the story and the evil corporation murders the youngest child to get back the oldest brother.

criminals: is the crime the older brother commits toward the corporation. Also it seems like he committed this crime with a best friend who got caught right there and he had to leave his friend behind.

a premonition: is him knowing he has to get out of dodge.

will I arrive: He leaves because he knows they will come for him and also his regret because the younger brother told him not to join the corporation in the first place. So he cuts his hair and changes how he looks.

burn the remembrance:is him coming to terms he has to leave everything he loves behind and also his brother having to lose him.

wealth: He's wondering if his brother knows he's still trying for him and him wondering if his brother will forgive him on his death bed.

one year from now: he plans to go back and stand up against the corporation but then the year passes and he doesn't do anything.

walking by a wire: he goes back but is afraid that they will notice him because he's too young to be ignored so he leaves.

complicity: he goes back older this time but knows he can't waver this time and they will find out and kill him.

evidence: He checks on his brother because he wonders if the corporation harmed his brother.

omerta: He meets up with the younger brother for the first time in years and years. They have a few drinks and then the older brother notices the younger brother has poisoned him. Was it because the corporation made the younger brother or the younger brothers anger for him leaving is all left up to your imagination.

inside the city of glass: The older brother is now dying, taking that last lonely walk through the city of glass..


"I could not breath against the wall

The clash of light against the floor

They held me up against the wall

Too young to be ignored"


Also if you look at the artwork you see the child in a mans business suite crucified. Goes back to my theory of him trying to fit into this evil empire corporation thingy, and him being crucified because of his age, and his crimes against the system. He's obviously the youngest one in the corporation and he trys to rip them off but he's too young to go unnoticed.


svidza mi se. mlogo mi se svidza tumachenje. ja inache obozavam da trazim skrivena znachenja tamo gde ih najverovatnije nema, ali ovo je plausible. za omertu sam ja iz teksta tripovao da je prica o nekom ko je izdao mafiju, pobegao negde daleko i posle mnogo godina ga je nasao neko ko mu je bio blizak, sa ciljem da ga kazni za izdaju, i sad i jedan i drugi znaju zbog cega su tu, popiju poslednje pice kao stari drugovi i onda biva ono sto mora da bude. zato je to meni najbolja njihova pesma.

  • 2 weeks later...

Али како је до јаја "The Great Cold Distance"!

Скинуо га пре 2 месеца и никако да стигнем да га преслушам, урадим то поподне и скапирам да га нису узалуд стављали на све могуће топ-листе најбољих издања у 2006-ој.


Cuo sam My twin i Nerve i odmah mi se dopalo to sto rade.Medjutim nigde ne mogu da nadjem neki njihov

album pa sam hteo da pitam ima li neko nesto od njih da mi posalje,svakako cu se oduziti.


July, nego shta, to mi je najomiljenija od svih njihovih pesama. pa odmah posle Omerta. Shteta sto je zvuk u maloj sali SKC-a bio katastrofalan, pa su je iskasapili, mogla se prepoznati samo po tekstu, kao da SunnO))) izvode July, ali ubrzano 100x.


Jeste July je svima najbolja ali ja sa tog albuma moram da dodam i Delibration i Leaders..inace sto se losih albuma tice...ja ne volim njihove live-ove...nekako mi fuj zvuce.. :mrgreen:

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