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  • 3 weeks later...


kayo dot metalcore!!!

brate nemojmo preterivati

nije svaki bend koji ima red dista pa red klina kayo dot

klin deo ovih korovaca vise lici na neki opeth, a vokal je totalni tom york

mada je ovo utisak na prvo slusanje

ali je ipak daleko od kayoa

  • 3 weeks later...

odlican je bend!!!


sta bi OoT sa onom dilemom oko istog albuma ali sa pesmama druge duzine i rasporeda?


mozda je na originalu kada se pusti sve izgleda kao jedna pesma ali je ipak podeljeno da mozes preskakati?


ili je ona bolja verzija?




odlican je bend!!!


sta bi OoT sa onom dilemom oko istog albuma ali sa pesmama druge duzine i rasporeda?


mozda je na originalu kada se pusti sve izgleda kao jedna pesma ali je ipak podeljeno da mozes preskakati?


ili je ona bolja verzija?




ma to su pesme sa prvog albuma bre...

idioti davali slichna imenta...

  • 3 months later...

kapiram da ce biti neka experimentalna minimala.


neko ga pitao u kom su fazonu textovi, a one je rekao


"there are hardly any lyrics, but the ones i do have were mostly written around specific vowel sounds, because of the way we were performing/recording everything, it was really only the vowel sounds which came out, or only certain letters could be performed under some of these techniques, for example, one song is all l's, m's, b's, etc."

  • 3 weeks later...

I just saw Kayo Dot live here in Arizona this week, and they were amazing! They didn't play any Maudlin of the Well songs, but that was cool because all the new stuff sounded awesome live. I talked to Mia, the violin player, for quite a while after the show, she was pretty interesting. I also got a t-shirt for only ten dollars and had all my CDs signed. Wow!


a na pitanje kakva je Mia, odgovorio je:


She was very cool, we got drunk and talked for over an hour. She had a fascination with gross stuff like tumors and internal twins. She once ate one of the band member's moles he cut off and cooked it with a sauce and everything. She was fascinated by my head surgery story so I got her email address and said I would send her a copy of the videotape. Yeah, I think open head surgery is so cool I had it twice. It's a great video to show at gatherings.






She once ate one of the band member's moles he cut off and cooked it with a sauce and everything.


u jebote.. šta je ona, neka japanka? oni su svi nešto izopačeni.. japanski pornići su ubedljivo najbolesniji.


u stvari, svi su oni (ceo bend mislim) opsednuti gadostima.. jednom su na koncertu imali projektor koji je prikazivao neka creva & stuff.. dok su svirali


znao sam.


ma ne možeš da umreš, ali može da se upali, a u najgorem slučaju dobiješ maligni melanom.. e, od toga umreš.


proradio mi ovaj nick. fala kurcu.


ima li svežih vesti od njih?


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